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Dan Mons edited this page Mar 9, 2022 · 3 revisions



FTP is the File Transfer Protocol, one of the oldest network protocols used to transfer files that is still in use today. It was originally developed by Abhay Bhushan in 1971, and even pre-dates TCP/IP.

FTP clients are common in numerous operating systems, both in graphical browsers and command line tools.

FTP uses TCP port 21 for control, and TCP port 20 for data transfer.

RetroNAS installs the ProFTPd server, which is an excellent, lightweight, standards compliant FTP server compatible with many legacy FTP clients. The project page is here:


Run RetroNAS and navigate to "Install things" -> "ProFTPd". This will install the ProFTPd server, exporting the entire RetroNAS root level directory.

Take note of your RPi's IP address, which we'll use later, as well as the username (typically "pi") and matching password for the account.

Please note that all content, including files, filenames, usernames and password are transmitted in plaintext and have NO encryption.


Run any standard FTP client, and point it to the RPi's IP address on the default FTP port (TCP port 21). Use your RetroNAS/RPi's standard username and password to log in and transfer files in either direction (to or from your RetroNAS/RPi).


FTP transmits usernames and passwords in cleartext (unencrypted data that can be seen real time as it is transmitted on a network), and transfers all data unencrypted. Do not use FTP to store or transfer personal, private or confidential information.


Getting started:


Multi-system protocols:

Specific system configurations:



Physical Media:

On-Device Management:

Advanced storage options:

  • BtrFS RAID, Snapshots, Compression, Deduplication
  • FAT Advanced guide to using FAT loopback mounts for EtherDFS
  • TBA
    • SMR Shingled Magnetic Recording hard drives (TBA)
    • NTFS Advanced guide for NTFS formatted disks
    • SMB Loopback Mounting an existing SMB NAS
    • NFS Loopback Mounting an existing NFS NAS
    • MDRAID (TBA)
    • LVM (TBA)
    • iSCSI Configuring iSCSI


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