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nbd client

sairuk edited this page Jun 9, 2024 · 5 revisions

NBD client

Network Block Device(s) allow you to attach remote storage to your system as though it is a local block device. Some utilities have started to support this, most notably OpenPS2Loader has recently replaced the hdl_server with nbd server.

nbd-client requires are kernel module to be loaded, a local device node and a listening service on the remote device

Once the RetroNAS installer has completed the module to automatically load at boot.


In a terminal type (and press enter)

  • nbd-client, the help will be returned.
  • ls -la /dev/nbd* to see all the available block device nodes
Operation Command
Check module is loaded ls mod | grep nbd
Manually load the module modprobe nbd
Mount (connect) nbd-client <ip address> /dev/nbd(n)
Unmount (disconnect) nbd-client -d /dev/nbd(n)
Query status nbd-client -s /dev/nbd(n)



Getting started:


Multi-system protocols:

Specific system configurations:



Physical Media:

On-Device Management:

Advanced storage options:

  • BtrFS RAID, Snapshots, Compression, Deduplication
  • FAT Advanced guide to using FAT loopback mounts for EtherDFS
  • TBA
    • SMR Shingled Magnetic Recording hard drives (TBA)
    • NTFS Advanced guide for NTFS formatted disks
    • SMB Loopback Mounting an existing SMB NAS
    • NFS Loopback Mounting an existing NFS NAS
    • MDRAID (TBA)
    • LVM (TBA)
    • iSCSI Configuring iSCSI


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