This is a light field viewer implemented in OpenGL based on Levoy and Hanrahan paper [1] using the light field dataset in [2]. The light field rendering calculation is done with shaders to ensure fast rendering. The code can only handle square image grids. The light field samples are loaded as a texture atlas. All the light fields in the result have 17x17 grid.
[1] Levoy, Marc, and Pat Hanrahan. "Light field rendering." Proceedings of the 23rd annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques. 1996.
[2] Jarabo, Adrian, et al. "How do people edit light fields." ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH). Vol. 33. No. 4. 2014.
The rendering is done at about 60 FPS. The loading of 4 textures takes about 19 sec. The program is tested on the machine with the following specifications:
- CPU: Intel Xeon 2.8 GHz
- RAM: 64 GB
- GPU: NVIDIA Quadro K620
- IMGUI: library for GUI rendering library
- stb_image: library for loading texture images
- GLM : library for Geometry computation
- GLFW: library for window creation
To control the camera position:
- A: move camera to right
- D: move camera to left
- S: move camera Down
- W: move camera Up
- Z: move camera Inward
- X: move camera Outward
- P: print camera information
To control the Image Plane:
- I: move Image Plane Up
- K: move Image Plane Down
- L: move Image Plane Right
- J: move Image Plane Left
- M: move Image Plane Outward
- N: move Image Plane Inward
Light field control Panel
- With the control panel area, you can change the Z position of the camera plane and the focal plane.
- The 0 button shows the camera plane, 1,2,3,4 are different bilinear interpolation, 5 is the quad-linear interpolation
- The buttons on that last row allow for the user to switch to a different light field.
- LightField Atlas Generator :
- Combine Stanford dataset images into one image atlas
- res: Contains resources
- shaders
- Basic.shader: vertex and fragment shader
- textures: contains all the textures
- shaders
- src: OpenGL Code
- Camera.h: class for handling camera movement and calculation
- CameraPlane.cpp: Debug code for camera Plane
- CameraPlane.h
- IndexBuffer.cpp : Class for handling the index buffer
- IndexBuffer.h
- main.cpp: Code entry point
- Plane.cpp: Class for Image plane generation at different sizes
- Plane.h
- Renderer.cpp: Rendering class (currently support OpenGL, support for other renders can be added here such as direct 3D)
- Renderer.h
- Shader.cpp: Class for reading and parsing the shaders. The shader should be in one file and be separated by # followed by the shader name.
- Shader.h
- Texture.cpp: Class for reading the textures
- Texture.h
- VertexArray.cpp: Class for handling the vertex array
- VertexArray.h
- VertexBuffer.cpp: Class for handling the vertex buffer
- VertexBuffer.h
- VertexBufferLayout.h: Helper class for defining the layout of vertex buffer
- vendor: contains third-party libraries (glm and GLFW not here)