Unofficial Go library for the Wordnik API
Go version >= 1.8
package main
import (
func main() {
cl := wordnik.NewClient("<YOUR API KEY>")
pochade, _ := cl.GetWordOfTheDay("2016-04-03")
fmt.Println(pochade.Word, pochade.Definitions)
// pochade [{A rough sketch. wiktionary noun} {A slight, rough sketch which
// can easily be erased for correction. century noun}]
phytop, _ := cl.Search("phytop")
for _, res := range phytop.SearchResults {
fmt.Println(res.Word, res.Count)
// phytop 0
// phytoplankton 2192
// phytophagous 25
// phytophthora 23
// phytoplasma 14
For endpoints with many optional query parameters, such as Search, this project makes use of the functional options pattern. This means that optional parameters can be set like this:
// Only words with 6 or 7 characters:
response, _ := cl.Search("fru", MinLength(6), MaxLength(7))
// Disable case-sensitive search
response, _ = cl.Search("ora", CaseSensitive(false))
If you need to set the same parameters on a regular basis, you can define your own functions which fit the QueryOption definition in queryOptions.go:
// type QueryOption func(*url.Values)
func LongListOfLongNouns() wordnik.QueryOption {
return func(q *url.Values) {
q.Set("includePartOfSpeech", "noun")
q.Set("minLength", "7")
q.Set("skip", "1")
q.Set("limit", "100")
In order to run the included tests, you'll need to provide some information via three environment variables: WORDNIK_API_KEY, WORDNIK_TEST_USER, and WORDNIK_TEST_PASS. There are a number of ways to do this, but here's a simple one-off example for the command line:
WORDNIK_API_KEY="your_key" WORDNIK_TEST_USER="your_account" WORDNIK_TEST_PASS="your_password" go test
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details