Execute a canary release on gke cluster using only one versioned deployments.yml (every tutorial i have seen uses three deployments.yaml, for prod, baseline and canary). This lab uses an helm chart
This is the flow to deploy the helm chart using spinnaker
- A tag is pushed on the git repo
- The tag triggers a cloudbuild building two artifacts
- a docker image (identified by git revision id), pushed on container registry
- an helm chart pointing to the container, stored in a gcs bucket
- To deploy the chart, the spinnaker pipeline is executed by command line, passing in the json pointing to the chart location in the bucket
Spinnaker : 1.19.3 cloud-builders-helm: 3.7.0 helm: 3.9.3
Deployed java application is from https://ordina-jworks.github.io/cloud/2018/06/01/Automated-Canary-Analysis-using-Spinnaker.html https://github.com/andreasevers/spinnaker-demo
Proposed spinnaker pipelines are based on https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/spinnaker-pipelines
wget https://get.helm.sh/helm-v3.9.3-linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar zxfv helm-v3.1.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz
cp linux-amd64/helm .
kubectl create clusterrolebinding user-admin-binding \
--clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=$(gcloud config get-value account)
export GKE_CTX=gke_$PROJECT_ID_$ZONE_spinnaker-1
cd $HOME
curl -L https://istio.io/downloadIstio | ISTIO_VERSION=1.10.2 sh -
cd $HOME/istio-1.10.2
export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH
istioctl install --set profile=demo \
--set values.telemetry.enabled=true \
--set values.telemetry.v2.enabled=true \
--set values.telemetry.v2.stackdriver.enabled=true \
--context ${GKE_CTX}
Create a gcs bucket named $PROJECT_ID-kubernetes-manifests/spinnaker-demo/charts
export PROJECT=$(gcloud info \
export BUCKET=$PROJECT-spinnaker-config
gsutil mb -c regional -l us-central1 gs://$BUCKET
gsutil mb -l $REGION gs://$PROJECT-kubernetes-manifests
create the folder spinnaker-demo/charts in the bucket
gcloud source repos create sample-app
git config credential.helper gcloud.sh
git remote add origin https://source.developers.google.com/p/$PROJECT/r/spinnaker-demo
git push origin master
In the Cloud Platform Console, click Navigation menu > Cloud Build > Triggers. Click Create trigger. Set the following trigger settings: Name: spinnaker-demo-tags Event: Push new tag Select your newly created sample-app repository. Tag: .*(any tag) Configuration: Cloud Build configuration file (yaml or json) Cloud Build configuration file location: /cloudbuild.yaml Click CREATE.
export APPLICATION=spinnakerdemo
./spin application save --application-name $APPLICATION \
--owner-email "$(gcloud config get-value core/account)" \
--cloud-providers kubernetes \
--gate-endpoint http://localhost:8080/gate
export PROJECT=$(gcloud info --format='value(config.project)')
sed -e 's/_APPNAME_/$APPLICATION/g' pipeline/canary-config.json > updated-canary-config.json
spin canary canary-configs save --file updated-canary-config.json
export CANARY_CONFIG_ID=$(spin canary canary-configs list | jq '( .[] | select(.name == "Demo-config") | .id)')
sed -e 's/_APPNAME_/$APPLICATION/g' pipeline/prod-deploy.json > updated-prod-deploy.json
spin pipeline save --file updated-prod-deploy.json
export PROD_DEPLOY_PIPELINE_ID=$(spin pipeline get -a $APPLICATION -n 'Prod Deploy Pipeline' | jq -r '.id')
sed -e 's/_APPNAME_/$APPLICATION/g' pipeline/restore-deploy.json > updated-restore-deploy.json
spin pipeline save --file updated-restore-deploy.json
export RESTORE_DEPLOY_PIPELINE_ID=$(spin pipeline get -a $APPLICATION -n 'Restore Deployment' | jq -r '.id')
sed -e 's/_APPNAME_/$APPLICATION/g' pipeline/baseline-deploy.json > updated-baseline-deploy.json
jq '(.stages[] | select(.refId == "2") | .pipeline) |= env.PROD_DEPLOY_PIPELINE_ID | (.stages[] | select(.refId == "4") | .pipeline) |= env.PROD_DEPLOY_PIPELINE_ID' updated-baseline-deploy.json > updated-baseline-deploy.json
spin pipeline save --file updated-baseline-deploy.json
export BASELINE_DEPLOY_PIPELINE_ID=$(spin pipeline get -a $APPLICATION -n 'Deploy Baseline' | jq -r '.id')
sed -e 's/_APPNAME_/$APPLICATION/g' pipeline/canary-deploy.json > updated-canary-deploy.json
jq '
(.stages[] | select(.refId == "19") | .pipeline) |= env.PROD_DEPLOY_PIPELINE_ID | \
(.stages[] | select(.refId == "23") | .pipeline) |= env.BASELINE_DEPLOY_PIPELINE_ID | \
(.stages[] | select(.refId == "13") | .pipeline) |= env.RESTORE_DEPLOY_PIPELINE_ID | \
(.stages[] | select(.refId == "17") | .pipeline) |= env.RESTORE_DEPLOY_PIPELINE_ID | \
(.stages[] | select(.refId == "25") | .pipeline) |= env.RESTORE_DEPLOY_PIPELINE_ID | \
(.stages[] | select(.refId == "10") | .canaryConfig.canaryConfigId) |= env.CANARY_CONFIG_ID | \
(.stages[] | select(.refId == "15") | .canaryConfig.canaryConfigId) |= env.CANARY_CONFIG_ID' \
updated-canary-deploy.json > updated-canary-deploy.json
spin pipeline save --file updated-canary-deploy.json
export CANARY_DEPLOY_PIPELINE_ID=$(spin pipeline get -a $APPLICATION -n 'Canary Deploy Pipeline' | jq -r '.id')
sed -e 's/_APPNAME_/$APPLICATION/g' pipeline/trigger-deploy.json > updated-trigger-deploy.json
jq '(.stages[] | select(.refId == "4") | .pipeline) |= env.PROD_DEPLOY_PIPELINE_ID | (.stages[] | select(.refId == "2") | .pipeline) |= env.CANARY_DEPLOY_PIPELINE_ID' updated-trigger-deploy.json > updated-trigger-deploy.json
spin pipeline save --file updated-trigger-deploy.json
export TRIGGER_DEPLOY_PIPELINE_ID=$(spin pipeline get -a $APPLICATION -n 'Trigger Deploy Pipeline' | jq -r '.id')
- Modify the source code, tag and push it
git tag v1.0.0
git push --tags
- Modify artifact.json to points to the helm chart you want deploy and launch the pipeline execution
spin pipeline execute --application canarytest --name "Trigger Deploy Pipeline" --artifacts-file ./artifact.json --parameter-file par.json
- Prod Deploy Pipeline: deploy an helm chart (passed in as input), without canary test
- Deploy Baseline: get the helm chart deployed by 'Prod Deploy Pipeline' and deploy it using a single replica, using a different name for the deployment
- Restore Deployment: remove canary and baseline deployment, and restore all traffic to prod deployment
- Canary Deploy Pipeline: deploy baseline (calling 'Deploy Baseline' pipeline), canary (passed in as input) and istio traffic control, and execute multiple canary test. It also call 'Restore Deployment' at the end of tests, and 'Prod Deploy Pipeline' in case of canary success
- Trigger Deploy Pipeline: starting point of the deploy, it receives an helm chart as input and calls 'Prod Deploy Pipeline' if there isn't a deployment, otherwise 'Canary Deploy Pipeline', passing to these pipelines the chart
Improve the handling of configmap, without define them in the pipelines
In the above tutorial, the gcs bucket is not used as an helm repository, but simply as a folder. If you want to use it as an helm repository, configure it
helm gcs init gs://evolvere-iot-poc-kubernetes-manifests/spinnaker-demo/charts
You also have to configure cloudbuild using cloudbuild_for_helm_repository.yaml This option is not tested, because spinnaker doesn't seem support helm repository on gcs bucket
If you have created the spinnaker instance using the gcp marketplace, halyard is not installed (it seems a bug). TO fix it, in scripts/cli/install_hal.sh modify:
sudo bash InstallHalyard.sh --user $USER -y $@
sudo bash InstallHalyard.sh -y $@