Hometrainer is desktop tool to train self-made exercises with open questions and multiple choice questions, with or without images. The exercises are created by use of a simple text editor (Notepad, for example). Hometrainer can also be used for examination.
- Windows executable (console, v2)
- Windows executable (desktop, v2)
- Windows executable (website, v2)
- Windows executable (desktop, complete suite, v1.7)
- Manual: doc odt pdf
Supply the program with a text file like shown below (note that the first line is obligatory):
Hometrainer (C) 2009-2015 Richel Bilderbeek
Humanbody.bmp,Which line points to the liver?,1,2,3,4
Humanbody.bmp,Which line points to the liver?,1/one/One
Humanbody.bmp,Which organ does line 1 point to?,The liver/the liver/Liver/liver
-,In which organ is ethanol detoxified?,The liver/the liver/Liver/liver
The program will show you the image, the question and the (shuffled) answers. You have to click the right answer. Great to train yourself in nearly anything!
- WordFox
- Drill Assistant
- Overhoor
- Quiz: for multiple-choice questions only
- Questiontools Suite: extensive test generation suite, but commercial for companies