A clean-room implementation of the Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 Classic client written in Rust.
Villa is in extremely early alpha. It lacks many features and is subject to crashing. However, it has the potential to bring a new age to the beloved version of the game.
- ✅ WGPU render backend
- ✅ Title screen
- ✅ Server networking
- ⌛ Block rendering
- ❌ Entity rendering
- ❌ Physics
- ❌ Inventories & GUIs
- ❌ Sound
- ❌ Atmospherics, weather
Long-term goals
- Custom Vulkan & Metal render backends
- Shaders, PBR, and other graphical enhancements
- Easy-access client-side scripting
Font by zedseven
Background by Mockingjay1701