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Facial features extraction is a widely used technique in computer vision and image processing applications. It involves analyzing an image to identify and extract specific facial features such as race, gender, presence of facial hair, and presence of spectacles. In this project, we will be using OpenCV and Dlib libraries to perform facial feature extraction on input images.
The goal of this project is to develop a system that can accurately identify and extract facial features from input images. The system will be able to detect the presence of a face in the image and extract relevant features such as gender, race, presence of facial hair, and presence of spectacles.
The project will be implemented using Python using OpenCV, Dlib, Deepface and some other libraries.
The output of the project will be a system that can accurately detect and extract facial features from input images. This system can be used in various applications such as facial recognition, security systems, and healthcare.
The results can be found in the jupyter/colab notebook.