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River Temperature Estimation - monthly mean temperatures anywhere in CONUS, for any river size, using remote sensing data


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Tempest is a river TEMPerature ESTimation model implemented in R; it supports high-accuracy estimation of river temperatures using only satellite-based remote sensing data. It has been validated for publicly-available datasets covering the contiguous United States, but should be generalizable to other regions and datasets. Detailed performance information is available in Philippus et al. 2024 (see Citation); briefly, median validation Root Mean Square Error is about 1.5 C for individual predictions, and errors are normally distributed within roughly plus or minus 4.5 C with bias of approximately 0. Therefore, the model is suitable for statistical analyses of hundreds or thousands of points, but should be used with caution for individual points or reaches without validation data. The model inputs range in resolution from 10 to 500 meters; in practice, points closer together than a few hundred meters will likely not provide usefully different outputs, as the data collection radius is 1000 m.

TempEst is not currently being actively developed, but further development is possible upon request. In particular, open an Issue if your use case would benefit from:

  • In R, having the predict method implemented for the model in addition to the custom prediction function
  • Having either the Google Earth Engine retrieval code or TempEst itself ported to Python
  • Non-GEE functions for data retrieval (e.g. direct raster retrieval from data provider APIs and local processing) - note that this would likely be much slower than GEE

Note that the model is provided with absolutely no warranty regarding its accuracy or anything else. The above performance information is typical behavior, not a guarantee.

Quick Start

  1. Download the repository (clone or download the archive from Releases).
  2. Install (if necessary) the R libraries "dplyr", "tidyr", "quantregForest", and "purrr". Versions tested:
    • R: 4.1.2 on Windows 10 x64
    • dplyr: 1.0.7 (via tidyverse)
    • tidyr: 1.1.3 (via tidyverse)
    • purrr: 0.3.4 (via tidyverse)
    • quantregForest: 1.3 (dependency: randomForest at 4.7)
    • For testing, data frames were generally loaded with read_csv from readr, not the base R read.csv.
  3. To use the default trained model, simply download Tempest.RData from Releases and load("Tempest.RData"), which will load the model as tempest.model trained on Calibration.csv (note that the pre-trained model currently makes predictions in Kelvin; update pending). Alternatively, to train a model on your own dataset or Data.csv:
    1. Load the calibration dataset Data.csv, or your own, as a data frame (read.csv or read_csv). All quantitative inputs must be as numeric columns.
    2. This dataset is the first, required, argument to make.model(). Store the output of make.model() in a variable.
    3. Optionally, add the named argument nthreads (e.g. make.model(caldata, nthreads=16)) to speed up training substantially. Training the default model with nthreads=16 takes approximately 20 seconds on the developer's machine.
  4. Download the prediction inputs for the points of interest. Follow the steps in Data Collection to download data for your points; you can go to the code snapshot with examples and documentation or load the whole repository as below. The provided Earth Engine code has an example set up and documented.
  5. Download the resulting dataset and load it as a data frame (read.csv or read_csv).
  6. Run the model using predict.temperature().
    • The first argument is the model from (3).
    • The second argument is the data from (5).
    • The output is a data frame of: id, ecoregion, year, time, start, end, temperature (predicted temperature in Celsius).
  7. (Optional) Check model accuracy. The Notebook validation.Rmd contains 5-fold cross-validation with Data.csv. Otherwise, read in your validation dataset as a data frame; this should contain all the usual input columns plus a temperature (known temperature in Celsius) column. Use this dataset as the second argument to predict.temperature with the named argument compare=T. The output will have columns Actual and Modeled in place of temperature, which you can use for error analysis. Given this output as its argument, the provided function error.bxp() (additional dependency: ggplot2) generates boxplots, grouped by ecoregion, of each gage's Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Percent Bias, and Coefficient of Determination (R2).
  8. (Optional) Predict temperature quantiles. predict.temperature also takes the named argument what, e.g. what=c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95), which will predict quantiles instead of just the median. The output columns will be named <basename>_<quantile>, e.g. temperature_0.05 or (if compare=T is also specified) Modeled_0.05.
  9. (Optional) Data visualization. The function plot.temperature (additional dependency: ggplot2) plots the prediction points on a grid (decimal latitude/longitude) colored by their overall average temperature. The argument to plot.temperature, in order to have the columns lat, lon, and temperature, must be the result of running predict.temperature with:
    • Argument preserve=TRUE
    • Argument compare=FALSE (default)
    • AND the data (second) argument must not have a temperature column.


The model can be trained and tested on any tabular dataset. If default.inputs=TRUE (the default), the input dataset must have the columns start, end, id, time, year, temperature,avgtemp, landtemp, humidity,lat, lon, elevation,water, builtup, trees (model extrapolation performance, e.g. to high altitudes and the arid Southwest, is better with the more limited inputs). Otherwise, column names are mostly irrelevant, and it will simply use all columns that are provided with a few exceptions. By default (but easily changed in the code), the output column in the training data should be called temperature, and a few named columns will be dropped. Otherwise the only constraint is that the training and prediction datasets should have the same column names. Default calibration and validation datasets, covering CONUS stream temperatures based on USGS gages, are provided. By default the prediction function will simply predict median temperatures, but the what argument can be used to specify quantiles to predict, e.g. to estimate confidence intervals. To preserve an observed column for validation, use the compare=T argument to predict.temperature.

In general, this model is well-suited to large-scale analyses of hundreds or thousands of locations over time. It allows the user to retrieve large amounts of data from across the contiguous United States - that limitation being due to the default calibration dataset, not the model implementation - with no resources other than Google Earth Engine and with good accuracy. This will support analyses of general, regional or national, patterns in average stream temperatures. However, for single locations where extensive data are readily available, the model is less accurate than detailed hydrologic models. In addition, while the errors (being roughly normally distributed with a mean of approximately zero) do average out at scale, any individual point may have substantial errors, so single point predictions should be used with caution without validation data. If single point predictions are used, we suggest using the what argument to predict.temperature in order to quantify the uncertainty. Uncertainty predictions are usually accurate but slightly conservative: the gagewise median has 53% of observations in the 50% confidence interval and 98% in the 95% confidence interval.

Data.csv is the default testing and development dataset. Calibration.csv and Validation.csv are included for reproducibility of early development work, but are not in active use for model development.


The Notebook validation.Rmd will run through an extensive suite of cross-validation tests using Data.csv (or your own dataset). Use this notebook to fully reproduce model performance data.

Data Collection

For the default setup, we provide a Google Earth Engine script (open runner.js and edit/run as appropriate) (code snapshot) which will retrieve data in a suitable format for specified points and time intervals. The GEE script is provided under the same terms, except that it builds on open-source code from Ermida et al. (2020), which should also be credited and cited in any research using it. Full citation information for Ermida et al. is provided in the comments in runner.js. Full instructions are included in the comments in runner.js. (Note that the first link is useful if you wish to save the repository to your own account; otherwise, the code snapshot is likely more helpful.)

In our experience, the Earth Engine retrieval script takes roughly 20 minutes to 1 hour per 10,000 observations (point-months). The maximum allowed runtime in GEE is 12 hours, but to avoid memory limitations we generally run jobs in batches of 500 points and 1 year. Earth Engine usually runs several jobs in parallel.


This model is provided under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3.0. It comes with absolutely no warranty, and you are free to use, modify, and redistribute it as long as any derivatives are provided under the same terms and credit is given. By using this model or any data derived from it for research, you agree to cite Philippus et al. 2024.


The full model design and performance are documented in: Philippus, Sytsma, Rust, and Hogue, (2024), "A Machine Learning Model for Estimating the Temperature of Small Rivers Using Satellite-Based Spatial Data", in Remote Sensing of Environment (


River Temperature Estimation - monthly mean temperatures anywhere in CONUS, for any river size, using remote sensing data








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