This package contains developer tools for the GeoStats.jl framework. It is intended to be used in conjunction with GeoStatsBase.jl to speed up the development of new solvers. A quick overview of the tools defined in the package is provided, as well as a short example of usage.
To define a new solver with the same interface of built-in solvers such as Kriging
and SeqGaussSim
, the developer
can use solver macros:
@estimsolver MySolver begin
@param variogram = GaussianVariogram()
@param mean # no default parameter
@global verbose = true
The @estimsolver
macro defines a new estimation solver MySolver
, a parameter type MySolverParam
, and an
outer constructor that accepts parameters for each variable as well as global parameters.
Similarly, simulation solvers can be created with the @simsolver
To navigate through all locations of a (finite) spatial domain, we introduce the concept of paths. This package
defines various path types including SimplePath
and RandomPath
that can be used for iteration over any domain:
# prints 1, 2, ..., npoints(domain)
for location in SimplePath(domain)
At a given location of a domain, we can query neighboring locations with the concept of neighborhoods. Various
neighborhood types such as CubeNeighborhood
and BallNeighborhood
can be used to find all locations within a
specified radius:
# define ball neighborhood with radius 10
neighborhood = Ballneighborhood(domain, 10.)
# find neighbors for all locations of the domain
for location in RandomPath(domain)
neighbors = neighborhood(location)
In this framework, spatial data and domain types are disconnected from each other for many reasons:
- To enable agressive parallelism and to avoid expensive data copies
- To give developers the power of deciding when and where data is to be copied
- To enable higher-level comparison schemes such as cross-validation
To map spatial data onto a domain, we introduce the notion of mappers. The SimpleMapper
type can be used
to find the mapping from domain locations to data locations for a given variable:
# construct a problem mapping data onto domain using SimpleMapper (default)
problem = EstimationProblem(..., mapper=SimpleMapper())
# get the mapping for the `:precipitation` variable
mapping = datamap(problem, :precipitation)
for (loc, datloc) in mapping
println("Domain location $loc has data at spatial data index $datloc")
For illustration purposes, we write an estimation solver that, for each location of the domain, assigns the 2-norm of the coordinates as the mean and the ∞-norm as the variance:
using GeoStatsBase
using GeoStatsDevTools
import GeoStatsBase: solve
@estimsolver NormSolver begin
@param pmean = 2
@param pvar = Inf
function solve(problem::EstimationProblem, solver::NormSolver)
pdomain = domain(problem)
# results for each variable
μs = []; σs = []
for (var,V) in variables(problem)
# get user parameters
if var in keys(solver.params)
varparams = solver.params[var]
varparams = NormSolverParam()
# allocate memory
varμ = Vector{V}(npoints(pdomain))
varσ = Vector{V}(npoints(pdomain))
for location in SimplePath(pdomain)
x = coordinates(pdomain, location)
varμ[location] = norm(x, varparams.pmean)
varσ[location] = norm(x, varparams.pvar)
push!(μs, var => varμ)
push!(σs, var => varσ)
EstimationSolution(pdomain, Dict(μs), Dict(σs))
If you have any questions, please contact our community on the gitter channel.