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Sahri Riza Umami edited this page Dec 17, 2016 · 2 revisions

Send information about venue.

sendVenue(chat_id, reply_to_message_id, disable_notification, from_background, reply_markup, latitude, longitude, title, address, id)
Option Description
chat_id Chat to send message.
reply_to_message_id Identifier of a message to reply to or 0.
disable_notification Pass true, to disable notification about the message.
from_background Pass true, if the message is sent from background.
reply_markup Bots only. Markup for replying to message.
venue Venue to send.
title Venue name as defined by sender.
address Venue address as defined by sender.
provider Provider of venue database as defined by sender. Only "foursquare" need to be supported currently.
id Identifier of the venue in provider database as defined by sender.


sendVenue(1234567890, 0, 0, 1, nil, -6.24745,107.148, 'Bekasi', 'Where is that?')

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