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Sahri Riza Umami edited this page Mar 14, 2017 · 3 revisions

Changes user password.

setPassword(old_password, new_password, new_hint, set_recovery_email, new_recovery_email)  

If new recovery email is specified, then error EMAIL_UNCONFIRMED is returned and password change will not be applied until email will be confirmed.
Application should call getPasswordState from time to time to check if email is already confirmed.

Option Description
old_password Old user password.
new_password New user password, may be empty to remove the password.
new_hint New password hint, can be empty.
set_recovery_email Pass True, if recovery email should be changed.
new_recovery_email New recovery email, may be empty.


  • Change old my01dp455 password to N3wp455w0rd and give I have no clue as a hint.

    setPassword('my01dp455', 'N3wp455w0rd', 'I have no clue', 0, '')

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