A novnc proxy inspired on snf-vncauthproxy, but handles VNC connections over Websocket only. The target host/password is encoded in a JWE token, which is passed in the URI. Thus the application is stateless, multiple instances can be run (e.g. in Kubernetes).
./go-novncauthproxy -jwe-secret=lz2jVFPT36rk3Vak11dTSNRBQ0NEH/0sYt3Q2yVOnI4=
The secret key is a 256 bit (32 byte) key, encoded in base64. One can be generated as:
$ dd if=/dev/urandom bs=32 count=1 2>/dev/null | base64
All flags can be passed as environment variables, so running with Docker is easy too:
$ docker run -it --rm -e JWE_SECRET=lz2jVFPT36rk3Vak11dTSNRBQ0NEH/0sYt3Q2yVOnI4= -p 8080:8080 ghcr.io/rkojedzinszky/go-novncauthproxy
See example deployments.
Then the proxy listens on plain http on :8080
by default, expects the JWE token passed at /novnc/<token>
with no slash at the end. Then, it parses the token, checks its expiry, and extracts VNC connection details from claims. For generating a sample token, see encode.py. Then, you can use that token on novnc demo for testing purposes.
Right now, a forked ganetimgr is using it.