Apache Guacamole is an incubating Apache project that enables X window applications to be exposed via HTML5 and accessed via a browser. This article shows how guacamole can be run inside containers in an OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) cluster to enable JBoss Developer Studio, the eclipse-based IDE for the JBoss middleware portfolio, to be accessed via a web browser. You're probably thinking "Wait a minute... X windows applications in a container?!!" Yes, this is entirely possible and this article will show you how. Bear in mind that tools from organizations like CODENVY can provide a truly cloud ready IDE. This article shows how organizations that have an existing well established IDE can rapidly provision developer environments where each developer only needs a browser. JBoss Developer Studio includes a rich set of integration tools and I'll show how those can be added to a base installation to support middleware products like JBoss Fuse and JBoss Data Virtualization.
Apache Guacamole consists of two main components, the guacamole web application (known as the guacamole-client) and the guacamole daemon (or guacd). An X windows application runs in an Xvnc environment with an in-memory only display. The guacd daemon acts as an Xvnc client, consuming the Xvnc events and sending them to the Tomcat guacamole-client web application where they are then rendered to the client browser as HTML5. Guacamole also supports user authentication, multiple sessions, and other features that this article only touches on. The Apache Guacamole web site has more information.
This was tested on a cloud-based OpenShift installation as well as
a laptop using the Red Hat Container Development
Kit. This
article uses CDK 3, so please adjust accordingly if using an
alternative OpenShift Container Platform installation. CDK3 leverages
the minishift
command to stand up a virtual machine for OCP.
From a command line terminal, configure and start minishift:
minishift setup-cdk --default-vm-driver virtualbox
minishift start --cpus 4 --disk-size 50g --memory 10240 --username 'RHN_USERNAME' --password 'RHN_PASSWORD'
Substitute the RHN_USERNAME
credentials above
with your login credentials from either the
Red Hat Developer's Portal or
the Red Hat Customer Service Portal.
You also may need to change the command line flags or set additional
command line flags for your environment. You can see all the options
for the minishift
commands by adding the --help
Make sure to add the oc
command to your executable search path.
On my laptop, the path is $HOME/.minishift/cache/oc/v3.5.5.8/oc
Use whatever path is appropriate for your minishift installation.
To automatically add the oc
executable to your path, on Linux and
OSX you can type:
eval $(minishift oc-env)
Once minishift has finished starting up, determine the IP address for the minishift instance then login:
IP_ADDR=$(minishift ip)
oc login https://$IP_ADDR:8443 -u developer
For minishift, the password is 'developer'.
The guacamole project supplies Docker Hub images to simplify deploying
guacamole in a container. However, the guacamole-client runs as a
privileged container by default. A thin wrapper around the guacamole
image was created so it could run unprivileged within OpenShift.
Please refer to the
project on github for more information on how this was done. That
project was used to extend the guacamole/guacamole
image on Docker
Hub to create the rlucentesejboss/guacamole
image that is used
for the guacamole-client.
First, create a project for guacamole within the OpenShift Container Platform.
oc new-project guacamole
A persistent MySQL instance stores guacamole data including users and their credentials. Create the guacamole MySQL instance and then modify it to use a persistent volume. The MySQL database persists users and connection parameters within guacamole.
oc new-app mysql MYSQL_USER=guacamole MYSQL_PASSWORD=guacamole \
oc volume dc/mysql --add --name=mysql-volume-1 -t pvc \
--claim-name=mysql-data --claim-size=1G --overwrite
The guacamole image includes helper scripts for database initialization.
Run the guacamole image to create a database initialization script
for the MySQL database. Use the oc run
command to run the image
with an alternative start command.
oc run guacamole --image=rlucentesejboss/guacamole --restart=Never \
--command -- /opt/guacamole/bin/initdb.sh --mysql
The initdb.sh
command runs within a pod named guacamole
. When
the command completes, the MySQL initialization script will be in
the container log. Put the initialization script into a SQL file
and remove the pod.
oc logs guacamole > initdb.sql
oc delete pod guacamole
At this point, the MySQL pod should be fully running, but it may have restarted due to the deployment configuration change to add the persistent volume claim. Get the list of running pods to determine the pod-id for MySQL.
oc get pods
Identify the path to the MySQL client application within the pod. To do that, type the following:
oc rsh mysql-<pod-id>
echo $PATH | cut -d: -f1
Use the pod-id and the executable path from the above command to initialize the guacamole database:
oc rsh mysql-<pod id> <exec-path>/mysql -h -P 3306 \
-u guacamole -pguacamole guacamole < initdb.sql
The above line initializes the MySQL database with all of the tables and artifacts required to support guacamole. Once the database is initialized, create an application where both guacamole and guacd are in a single pod. The additional parameters will connect guacamole to its database.
oc new-app rlucentesejboss/guacamole+guacamole/guacd \
--name=holy \
GUACAMOLE_HOME=/home/guacamole/.guacamole \
MYSQL_HOSTNAME=mysql.guacamole.svc.cluster.local \
MYSQL_DATABASE=guacamole \
MYSQL_USER=guacamole \
The last thing to do is expose a route for the guacamole application.
oc expose service holy --port=8080 --path=/guacamole
oc logout
Browse to the guacamole application. On the CDK, the URL is
Make sure that the URL is appropriate for your environment. The
login page for guacamole will appear. Use the default username and
password of guacadmin/guacadmin
as shown.
Once logged in, go to the upper right hand corner and select "guacadmin -> Settings" in the drop down menu, as shown.
Select the "Users" tab and then click the "New User" button.
Set the username and password to whatever you desire. As an administrator, you can create multiple user accounts that can use guacamole to connect to their own instances of JBoss Developer Studio. Also, grant the permissions "Create new connections" and "Change own password". Click "Save" to add the user.
Log out of the guacamole web application.
The user is now configured to create a connection to their instance of JBoss Developer Studio and access it via a browser. Now let's build the JBDS container image and corresponding imagestream.
As an OCP administrator, build the JBoss Developer Studio container
image and place the imagestream in the openshift
namespace so
that all users can access it. To limit the size of the container
image, the JBDS installer file is downloaded at build time and then
deleted after use.
Get the appropriate URL for the JBoss Developer Studio installer. This has been tested against version 11.0.0.GA of the installer. To get the URL, browse to https://developers.redhat.com/products/devstudio/download/.
Click the Installer
download link for version 11.0.0.GA, as shown.
The web site will prompt you to log in. Use your credentials (or
register if you haven't yet done so) and then cancel the download
when it starts. Within the "Thank you..." box on the page, copy
the link location for direct link
, as shown.
Build the image and create the imagestream. Make sure to paste the
direct link
URL as directed in the command below.
oc login -u system:admin
oc project openshift
oc new-build https://github.com/rlucente-se-jboss/jbds-via-html5 \
--name=jbds --strategy=docker
oc cancel-build jbds-1
oc start-build jbds \
-e JBDS_JAR=devstudio-11.0.0.GA-installer-standalone.jar \
-e INSTALLER_URL=<direct-link-URL>
This will take some time to build the container image. It's possible that the download link may timeout before the build completes. If this happens, you can directly download the file and make it available to the build by running the following command in the same directory as the file:
python3 -m http.server 8000
Next, use a URL appropriate for your VM host. In my case, the
for the oc start-build ...
command would be
Log out once the build completes.
oc logout
The above commands have added the imagestream jbds
to the openshift
namespace. Now any user can instantiate their own instance of JBoss
Developer Studio.
Each user simply provisions a JBDS container instance and then grants guacamole permission to view it. Execute the commands below:
oc login -u developer
oc new-project someproject
oc policy add-role-to-user view system:serviceaccount:guacamole:default
oc new-app jbds
A developer can now access the JBoss Developer Studio application via a browser. On the CDK, the URL is holy-guacamole. Make sure that the URL is appropriate for your environment. When presented with the login screen, use the username/password that was created by the guacamole administrator. Once logged in, in the upper right hand corner select "username -> Settings", as shown.
Select the "Connections" tab and then click the "New Connection" button.
Set the following parameters:
Parameter | Value |
Name | jbds |
Hostname | jbds.someproject.svc.cluster.local |
Port | 5901 |
Password | VNCPASS |
Click "Save" to add the connection.
In the upper right hand corner, select "username -> jbds" to open the connection.
JBoss Developer Studio will appear within the browser window.
This brings development with OpenShift Container Platform to an almost Inception level. In JBDS, a developer clicks on the "OpenShift" tab in the bottom pane and connects to the OpenShift cluster. JBDS is running in a container within the OpenShift cluster and the developer is connecting to the OpenShift cluster from a container within the cluster to develop additional applications on the cluster.