Jenkins shared library for executing branch specific scripted pipelines for lerna mono repo.
Create a new multibranch pipeline in Jenkins.
Configure pipeline and add lernaJenkins as a shared library
Add Jenkinsfile to project root and call global variable startPackagePipeline with branchMapping, gitUrl, credentialsId and nodeJsHome (optional).
node {
startLernaPipeline {
branchMapping = [
"feature": [path: "jenkins-pipelines/pull-request-pipeline.groovy", since: "remotes/origin/develop"],
"develop": [path: "jenkins-pipelines/develop-pipeline.groovy", since: "remotes/origin/master"],
"hotfix": [path: "jenkins-pipelines/hotfix-pipeline.groovy", since: "remotes/origin/master"],
"master": [path: "jenkins-pipelines/master-pipeline.groovy", listAll: true],
"release": [path: "jenkins-pipelines/release-pipeline.groovy", since: "remotes/origin/master"]
credentialsId = 'GITHUB_ID' //required jenkins git credential id
examplePipelineProp = 'Property value' //example passing a custom property to the pipeline config
gitUrl = '' //required git repo url
nodeJsHome = '/usr/local' //optional path to node
Or use default pipeline script for all branches
node {
startLernaPipeline {
branchMapping = [
"default": [path: "jenkins/pipeline.groovy"]
credentialsId = 'GITHUB_ID'
gitUrl = ' git hub'
- branchMapping is a Map with keys representing a string to match the beginning of the branch name. The values should be an object with the following properties:
path - the path to the pipeline script (required)
since - the branch to compare with to determine changed packages. Translates to running the lerna ls -since $since command. By default the lerna changed command will be used. (optional)
listAll - indicates that all packages should be listed when determining changed packages. (optional)
By default startLernaPipeline will use
If since is defined, the value will be used in lerna ls --since
Create directory in lerna repo for pipeline script/s.
+- Jenkinsfile # Jenkinsfile in repo to call startLernaPipeline
+- jenkins-pipelines # directory for pipeline scripts called by startLernaPipeline
| +- develop-pipeline.groovy
| +- master-pipeline.groovy
| ...
lernaJenkins includes sample branch pipelines. startLernaPipeline will load the pipeline file defined in branchMapping and the lifecycle methods will be called in the following order if defined:
- runBeforePackagesBuild - runs at workspace directory before getting changed packages
- runPackageBuild - runs at package location directory for each changed package
- runAfterPackagesBuild - runs at workspace directory after all changed packages have completed
- runAfterPackageBuild - runs at package location directory for each changed package
A Pipeline script should implement the lifecycle methods and end with a return this. You may import any of the org.rmc33.lernaJenkins or other shared library for use in the pipeline.
Example develop pipeline:
def runBeforePackagesBuild(script, branchConfig, config) { "yarn" "lerna bootstrap"
def runPackageBuild(script, packageProperties, branchConfig, config) {
script.echo "runPipeline ${}" "yarn build" "yarn test"
def runAfterPackagesBuild(script, branchConfig, config) { "lerna version -y --conventional-commit --create-release github"
println "pipeline finished successfully and release branch created"
def runAfterPackageBuild(script, packageProperties, branchConfig, config) {
println "runAfterPackageBuild"
return this;
See example pipelines in jenkins-pipelines to see an example of using jenkins input to ask the user for the new version