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Jenkins shared library for executing branch specific scripted pipelines for lerna mono repo.

Getting Started

  • Create a new multibranch pipeline in Jenkins.

  • Configure pipeline and add lernaJenkins as a shared library

  • Add Jenkinsfile to project root and call global variable startPackagePipeline with branchMapping, gitUrl, credentialsId and nodeJsHome (optional).

node {
    startLernaPipeline {
        branchMapping = [
            "feature": [path: "jenkins-pipelines/pull-request-pipeline.groovy", since: "remotes/origin/develop"],
            "develop": [path: "jenkins-pipelines/develop-pipeline.groovy", since: "remotes/origin/master"],
            "hotfix": [path: "jenkins-pipelines/hotfix-pipeline.groovy", since: "remotes/origin/master"],
            "master": [path: "jenkins-pipelines/master-pipeline.groovy", listAll: true],
            "release": [path: "jenkins-pipelines/release-pipeline.groovy", since: "remotes/origin/master"]
        credentialsId = 'GITHUB_ID' //required jenkins git credential id
        examplePipelineProp = 'Property value' //example passing a custom property to the pipeline config
        gitUrl = '' //required git repo url
        nodeJsHome = '/usr/local' //optional path to node

Or use default pipeline script for all branches

node {
    startLernaPipeline {
        branchMapping = [
            "default": [path: "jenkins/pipeline.groovy"]
        credentialsId = 'GITHUB_ID'
        gitUrl = ' git hub'
  • branchMapping is a Map with keys representing a string to match the beginning of the branch name. The values should be an object with the following properties:
path - the path to the pipeline script (required)
since - the branch to compare with to determine changed packages. Translates to running the lerna ls -since $since command. By default the lerna changed command will be used. (optional)
listAll - indicates that all packages should be listed when determining changed packages. (optional)
+- Jenkinsfile           # Jenkinsfile in repo to call startLernaPipeline
+- jenkins-pipelines               # directory for pipeline scripts called by startLernaPipeline
|   +- develop-pipeline.groovy
|   +- master-pipeline.groovy
|   ...

Branch pipeline lifecycle methods

lernaJenkins includes sample branch pipelines. startLernaPipeline will load the pipeline file defined in branchMapping and the lifecycle methods will be called in the following order if defined:

  • runBeforePackagesBuild - runs at workspace directory before getting changed packages
  • runPackageBuild - runs at package location directory for each changed package
  • runAfterPackagesBuild - runs at workspace directory after all changed packages have completed
  • runAfterPackageBuild - runs at package location directory for each changed package

Pipeline script

A Pipeline script should implement the lifecycle methods and end with a return this. You may import any of the org.rmc33.lernaJenkins or other shared library for use in the pipeline.

Example develop pipeline:

def runBeforePackagesBuild(script, branchConfig, config) { "yarn" "lerna bootstrap"

def runPackageBuild(script, packageProperties, branchConfig, config) {
    script.echo "runPipeline ${}" "yarn build" "yarn test"

def runAfterPackagesBuild(script, branchConfig, config) { "lerna version -y --conventional-commit --create-release github"
    println "pipeline finished successfully and release branch created"

def runAfterPackageBuild(script, packageProperties, branchConfig, config) {
    println "runAfterPackageBuild"

return this;

See example pipelines in jenkins-pipelines to see an example of using jenkins input to ask the user for the new version


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