Android TV app for streaming HDMI input of Zidoo X9S and Zidoo X8 compatible TV boxes with ffmpeg.
- Copy .apk from releases to your device and install it.
- Copy ffmpeg binary to
- Start app from menu
- Press menu button and edit and confirm all settings
- Start streaming by pressing Play/Pause button on remote
- Valid ffmpeg commands:
- streaming to network in MPEG-TS:
ffmpeg -i - -codec:v copy -codec:a copy -bsf:v dump_extra -f mpegts udp://[IP]:1234
- streaming to web (e.g. YouTube):
ffmpeg -i - -strict -2 -codec:v copy -codec:a aac -b:a 128k -f flv rtmp://[Stream name/key]
Open in Android studio and compile as usual.
- streaming as MPEG-TS to network (unicast/multicast)
- streaming in FLV format to RTMP server (e.g. Youtube)
- no need for intermediate recording file - thus no length limit
- streaming runs in background
- HDMI out is usable as passthrough
- automatic download of needed ffmpeg binary on first start
- automatic restart of ffmpeg after network/encoding failure
Thanks to for ZidoStreamer, which this project is roughly based on.
Thanks to zidootech for VideoAndHdmiIN, which contained the needed libraries.