Simple Unity project demonstrating a few simple, but powerful constructs in Unity
Scriptable Objects
Event Listeners
In this project:
1 - A Scriptable Object (Assets/Scripts/ScriptableObjects/GameEvent.cs) is used to create the Event asset construct. The Event is a generic asset that registers and unregisters listeners. Because this script has [CreateAssetMenu] as a decorator, it appears as a context menu item that can be right click created in the Projects tab.
In this project, you'll notice a 'MoveEvent'asset. This is a GameEvent. Ultimately, in larger apps - there will be many of these, each with a different name for its purpose.
2 - An Event Listener script (Assets/Scripts/ScriptableObjects/GameEventListener.cs)is what gets attached to any app/game components that want to listen for an event that other components may raise.
3 - A ScriptController game object has a script attached (Assets/Scripts/MainScript.cs) which has, as a single variable input, a GameEvent object. For this project, the 'MoveEvent'asset is what will be used. Inside the MainScript, there is an IEnumerator which raises the MoveEvent, every fiew seconds.
4 - Lastly, the project has a set of cube game objects, which each use the Event Listener script. Using the same 'MoveEvent'asset as the input for the Listener, once the Event has been recieved - the script invokes a designated function in a script attached to some component (in this case, its the same Cube game object)
A script named (Assets/Scripts/HandleMove.cs) is attached to each Cube object. Within the script is a public function which is invoked to perform functionality - in this case, it moves the cube in a direction. The public function in this script is what is set as the parameter in the Event Listener script - as the object to invoke after the Event is received.