This project allows users to remove the background from their photos using AI.
Background removal is made possible by using the modnet approach via Replicate. This project allows users to upload a photo which will first be stored in firebase storage, forwarded to a google cloud function managed in rowy, and lastly utilize the Replicate API to return the photo with its background removed. All data such as user profile, generated images, and credit packges are stored in Firestore, while the associated stripe payment webhook and cloud functions are all managed in Rowy.
- Visit Replicate to create an account.
- Click on Account in the menu. And, here you can find your API token, copy it.
- Go to Stripe to create an account.
- Once you're signed in, ensure test mode is on and the go to the API keys section to get youre api key.
Add steps here.
Create a .env.local
file in the root of the project. And store your API key in it, as shown in the .env.local.example
npm install
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.