Clone this repository, preferably to ~/Desktop/Projekts/random
. Then navigate to ./scripts/
and run each script in order.
Python | Svelte |
![]() |
![]() |
Keybinding | Action |
:Lazy | Open Lazy.Vim Package menager to download all plugins |
:Mason | Open Mason Package menager to download all LSP configurations |
Keybinding | Action |
? (visual mode) | Toggles the region using blockwise comment |
Keybinding | Action |
:q | Close tab (exit vim if only one tab open) |
:qa | Close all tabs (exit vim) |
:wq | Close tab and save work (exit vim if only one tab open) |
:wqa | Clse all tabs and save work (exit vim) |
i | Insert mode |
v | Visual mode |
V | Visual line mode |
d | Delete line |
dd | Delete current line |
y | Copy (yank) line |
yy | Copy (yank) current line |
p | Paste after cursor |
P | Paste before cursor |
K | (In Visual mode) Move selected up |
J | (In Visual mode) Move selected down |
Ctrl + z | Undo |
Keybinding | Action |
h | move the cursor lef |
j | move the cursor down |
k | move the cursor up |
10j | Move cursor 10 lines below (10 can be changed to any number |
10k | Move cursor 10 lines to top (10 can be changed to any number |
l | move the cursor right |
b | move to the start of a word |
B | move to the start of a token |
w | move to the start of the next word |
W | move to the start of the next token |
e | move to the end of a word |
E | move to the end of a token |
0 (zero) | jump to the beginning of the line |
Ctrl + z | Undo |
$ | jump to the end of the line |
^ | jump to the first (non-blank) character of the line |
#G / #gg / :# | move to a specified line number (replace # with the line number) |
Keybinding | Action |
Ctrl + ! | Go to tab 1 |
Ctrl + @ | Go to tab 2 |
Ctrl + # | Go to tab 3 |
Ctrl + $ | Go to tab 4 |
Ctrl + % | Go to tab 5 |
Ctrl + ^ | Go to tab 6 |
Ctrl + & | Go to tab 7 |
Ctrl + * | Go to tab 8 |
Ctrl + ( | Go to tab 9 |
Ctrl + ) | Go to tab 10 |
]t | Go to next tab |
[t | Go to prev tab |
]T | Go to first tab |
]T | Go to last tab |
Keybinding | Action |
] | Go to last open buffer |
]b | Go to next buffer |
[b | Go to prev buffer |
]B | Go to next buffer |
[B | Go to prev buffer |
bd | Buffer Delete (Close Buffer) |
bda | All Buffers Delete (Close all buffers) |
Keybinding | Action |
Ctrl + w | Focus on next pane |
Ctrl + h | Focus on next pane to left |
Ctrl + j | Focus on next pane to bottom |
Ctrl + k | Focus on next pane to top |
Ctrl + l | Focus on next pane to right |
Keybinding | Action |
Enter | Select autocompletion |
Ctrl + Space | Toggle autocomplete dropdown |
gd | Jumps to the definition of the type of the symbol under the cursor. |
gD | Jumps to the definition of the symbol under the cursor |
K | Displays hover information about the symbol under the cursor in a floating window |
D | Show diagnostics in a floating window |
ds | Show symbol in the workspace |
[d | Move to the previous diagnostic in the current buffer. |
]d | Move to the next diagnostic |
Ctrl + f | Format document |
Keybinding | Action |
fo | Open Files |
o | Open Files |
fr | Recent Files |
ff | Find File |
- | Find File |
fs | Grep in files (Find in files) |
gs | Find in changed git files |
F | Find in current file |
D | Dagnostics |
Ctrl + b | Close selected buffer while exploring using Telescope Open Files Modal |
Keybinding | Action |
Ctrl + ] | Toggle sidepanel |
< | Prev source |
> | Next source |
? | Help |
O | Open file in finder/directory |
Keybinding | Action |
j | Move the cursor down to the next entry |
k | Move the cursor up to the previous entry |
o | Open the selected file or directory |
pp | Select parent |
Keybinding | Action |
gc | Git Commit files |
ga | Git Add selected file |
A | Git Add all files |
gP | Git Push |
gC | Git checkout |
gb | List branchs |
gf | Git fetch |
gp | Git pull |
gh | Get Github Link to file/directory |
gH | Open file/directory in GitHub |
Keybinding | Action |
m | Open the Nvim Tree context menu to perform actions on the selected entry |
d | Delete the selected file or directory (moves it to the trash) |
y | Copy the path of the selected file or directory to the clipboard |
r | Rename the selected file or directory |
a | Create a new file or directory in the current directory |
. | Select current directory as root in the tree |
Keybinding | Action |
/{search term} | Start a search to filter files and directories |
n | Move to the next search result |
N | Move to the previous search result |
Keybinding | Action |
got | git |
gut | git |
g | git |
gp | git pull |
gP | git push |
gC | git checkout |
gc | git commit -am |
ga | git add . |
gm | git merge |
gs | git status |
gd | git diff |
gl | git lg |
gd | git diff |
gb | interactive git branch |
glean | git branch | grep -v "master" | xargs git branch -D |
dockerdie | docker system prune --volumes -a -f |
c | clear |
ls | better ls |
ll | long 'ls |
lt | simple ls with tree (level 2) |
dotconfig | Navigate to ~/Desktop/random/dotconfig and open nvim |
btop | better htop |
Keybinding | Action |
git s | git status |
git ch | git checkout |
git ci | git commit -am |
git a | git add . |
git m | git merge |
git d | git diff |
git p | git pull |
git pp | git push |
git lg | git lg |
git f | git fetch |
- add branch name to commit