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⚡ This repo houses my main personal development setup with dotfiles for Neovim, Zsh, Git, and more.


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Repository files navigation


Clone this repository, preferably to ~/Desktop/Projekts/random. Then navigate to ./scripts/ and run each script in order.


Python Svelte
nvim python nvim svelte


Package Menagers

Keybinding Action
:Lazy Open Lazy.Vim Package menager to download all plugins
:Mason Open Mason Package menager to download all LSP configurations


Keybinding Action
? (visual mode) Toggles the region using blockwise comment


Keybinding Action
:q Close tab (exit vim if only one tab open)
:qa Close all tabs (exit vim)
:wq Close tab and save work (exit vim if only one tab open)
:wqa Clse all tabs and save work (exit vim)
i Insert mode
v Visual mode
V Visual line mode
d Delete line
dd Delete current line
y Copy (yank) line
yy Copy (yank) current line
p Paste after cursor
P Paste before cursor
K (In Visual mode) Move selected up
J (In Visual mode) Move selected down
Ctrl + z Undo


Keybinding Action
h move the cursor lef
j move the cursor down
k move the cursor up
10j Move cursor 10 lines below (10 can be changed to any number
10k Move cursor 10 lines to top (10 can be changed to any number
l move the cursor right
b move to the start of a word
B move to the start of a token
w move to the start of the next word
W move to the start of the next token
e move to the end of a word
E move to the end of a token
0 (zero) jump to the beginning of the line
Ctrl + z Undo
$ jump to the end of the line
^ jump to the first (non-blank) character of the line
#G / #gg / :# move to a specified line number (replace # with the line number)


Keybinding Action
Ctrl + ! Go to tab 1
Ctrl + @ Go to tab 2
Ctrl + # Go to tab 3
Ctrl + $ Go to tab 4
Ctrl + % Go to tab 5
Ctrl + ^ Go to tab 6
Ctrl + & Go to tab 7
Ctrl + * Go to tab 8
Ctrl + ( Go to tab 9
Ctrl + ) Go to tab 10
]t Go to next tab
[t Go to prev tab
]T Go to first tab
]T Go to last tab


Keybinding Action
] Go to last open buffer
]b Go to next buffer
[b Go to prev buffer
]B Go to next buffer
[B Go to prev buffer
bd Buffer Delete (Close Buffer)
bda All Buffers Delete (Close all buffers)

Split pane

Keybinding Action
Ctrl + w Focus on next pane
Ctrl + h Focus on next pane to left
Ctrl + j Focus on next pane to bottom
Ctrl + k Focus on next pane to top
Ctrl + l Focus on next pane to right


Keybinding Action
Enter Select autocompletion
Ctrl + Space Toggle autocomplete dropdown
gd Jumps to the definition of the type of the symbol under the cursor.
gD Jumps to the definition of the symbol under the cursor
K Displays hover information about the symbol under the cursor in a floating window
D Show diagnostics in a floating window
ds Show symbol in the workspace
[d Move to the previous diagnostic in the current buffer.
]d Move to the next diagnostic
Ctrl + f Format document


Keybinding Action
fo Open Files
o Open Files
fr Recent Files
ff Find File
- Find File
fs Grep in files (Find in files)
gs Find in changed git files
F Find in current file
D Dagnostics
Ctrl + b Close selected buffer while exploring using Telescope Open Files Modal



Keybinding Action
Ctrl + ] Toggle sidepanel
< Prev source
> Next source
? Help
O Open file in finder/directory


Keybinding Action
j Move the cursor down to the next entry
k Move the cursor up to the previous entry
o Open the selected file or directory
pp Select parent


Keybinding Action
gc Git Commit files
ga Git Add selected file
A Git Add all files
gP Git Push
gC Git checkout
gb List branchs
gf Git fetch
gp Git pull
gh Get Github Link to file/directory
gH Open file/directory in GitHub

Working with Files and Directories

Keybinding Action
m Open the Nvim Tree context menu to perform actions on the selected entry
d Delete the selected file or directory (moves it to the trash)
y Copy the path of the selected file or directory to the clipboard
r Rename the selected file or directory
a Create a new file or directory in the current directory
. Select current directory as root in the tree

Filtering and Searching

Keybinding Action
/{search term} Start a search to filter files and directories
n Move to the next search result
N Move to the previous search result

ZSH and iTerm



Keybinding Action
got git
gut git
g git
gp git pull
gP git push
gC git checkout
gc git commit -am
ga git add .
gm git merge
gs git status
gd git diff
gl git lg
gd git diff
gb interactive git branch
glean git branch | grep -v "master" | xargs git branch -D
dockerdie docker system prune --volumes -a -f
c clear
ls better ls
ll long 'ls
lt simple ls with tree (level 2)
dotconfig Navigate to ~/Desktop/random/dotconfig and open nvim
btop better htop





Git diff using delta git diff


Keybinding Action
git s git status
git ch git checkout
git ci git commit -am
git a git add .
git m git merge
git d git diff
git p git pull
git pp git push
git lg git lg
git f git fetch


  1. prepare-commit-msg - add branch name to commit




⚡ This repo houses my main personal development setup with dotfiles for Neovim, Zsh, Git, and more.





