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Projects, files and notes related to selenium and automation testing at viva books.

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Projects, files and notes related to selenium and automation testing at vivabooks.
Note: Download and Install jdk8u, eclipse ide for JEE, selenium web driver, selenium client driver and selenium chrome driver.
Link for tutorial 1: Setup and build
Link for tutorial 2: Record and test
Examples of testcases in web application testing

There are some issues in tutorial which are resolved by me:

  1. First import all the webdriver and chrome driver in script
    (import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
    import; public)
  2. In build path setup put all the files in class path, not in module path.
  3. Add selenium server stand alone, client and client source to build path.

What to know in selenium

  1. How to setup java, eclipse and selenium drivers
  2. Install webdriver, client driver, IDE
  3. Web Driver Manager
  4. How to run first selenium project
  5. Locate web elements
  6. Katalon recorder
  7. POM
  8. TestNG
  9. Extent Report
  10. Waits
  11. Naughty Strings

Different types of testing's that we can achieve through Selenium are:

Functional Testing
Regression Testing
Sanity Testing
Smoke Testing
Responsive Testing
Cross Browser Testing
UI testing (black box)
Integration Testing