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rosco-pc edited this page Feb 11, 2015 · 1 revision

Current Beta API:

  Ethernet TCP/IP Socket Layer Driver (IPv4)

  Copyright (C) 2006 - 2007 Harrison Pham

  This file is part of PropTCP.

  PropTCP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.

  PropTCP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Object "driver_socket" Interface:

PUB  start(cs, sck, si, so, int, xtalout, macptr, ipconfigptr) : okay
PUB  stop
PUB  listen(port)
PUB  connect(ip1, ip2, ip3, ip4, remoteport, localport)
PUB  close(handle)
PUB  isConnected(handle)
PUB  isValidHandle(handle)
PUB  readByteNonBlocking(handle) : rxbyte
PUB  readByte(handle) : rxbyte
PUB  writeByteNonBlocking(handle, txbyte)
PUB  writeByte(handle, txbyte)
PUB  resetBuffers(handle)

Program:   1,798 Longs
Variable:    131 Longs

PUB  start(cs, sck, si, so, int, xtalout, macptr, ipconfigptr) : okay

 Call this to launch the Telnet driver
 Only call this once, otherwise you will get conflicts
 macptr      = HUB memory pointer (address) to 6 contiguous mac address bytes
 ipconfigptr = HUB memory pointer (address) to ip configuration block (20 bytes)
               Must be in order: ip_addr. ip_subnet, ip_gateway, ip_dns

PUB  stop

 Stop the driver

PUB  listen(port)

 Sets up a socket for listening on a port
 Returns handle if available, -1 if none available

PUB  connect(ip1, ip2, ip3, ip4, remoteport, localport)

 Connect to remote host
 Returns handle to new socket, -1 if no socket available

PUB  close(handle)

 Closes a connection

PUB  isConnected(handle)

 Returns true if the socket is connected, false otherwise

PUB  isValidHandle(handle)

 Checks to see if the handle is valid, handles will become invalid once they are used
 In other words, a closed listening socket is now invalid, etc

PUB  readByteNonBlocking(handle) : rxbyte

 Read a byte from the specified socket
 Will not block (returns -1 if no byte avail)

PUB  readByte(handle) : rxbyte

 Read a byte from the specified socket
 Will block until a byte is received

PUB  writeByteNonBlocking(handle, txbyte)

 Writes a byte to the specified socket
 Will not block (returns -1 if no buffer space available)

PUB  writeByte(handle, txbyte)

 Write a byte to the specified socket
 Will block until space is available for byte to be sent

PUB  resetBuffers(handle)

 Resets send/receive buffers for the specified socket

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