Notice: This project has been relocated to the rpitv/glimpse monorepo
Ingestion and distribution servers for RPI TV livestreams
When RPI TV livestreams are broadcast, they are sent to a central server for distribution to the public. This repository contains the code for the ingestion and distribution servers.
This repository's content is distributed via two docker containers:
Install them locally via docker:
docker pull
docker pull
You may need to sign in to the GitHub Container Registry to pull the images.
After that, you can start the video ingestion server via:
docker run -p 1935:1935 --network="glimpse_network"
and the video distribution server via:
docker run -p 8080:8080 --network="glimpse_network"
Alternatively, use a Docker Compose file like the one included to start both servers at once.
Currently only one environment variable is required:
- The URL of the RabbitMQ server to connect to.
No volumes are currently used.
The ingestion server is built with Nginx with nginx-rtmp-module, and the distribution server is built with TypeScript, and requires a RabbitMQ server to receive commands.
In production, both servers should be run in a Docker container, however containerized development environments currently aren't fully set up. You should have Node.js LTS installed, and a RabbitMQ server running.
Run the following commands to set up your project.
git clone
cd glimpse-video/control
npm install
npm run prepare
You can build the distribution server locally via:
npm run build
The ingestion server is nothing but an Nginx configuration file, so there's no need to build anything but the Nginx server + module, or just use a Docker container.
To build the Docker container images, run:
docker build -t .
cd control
docker build -t .
GitHub Actions will auto-build and deploy the Docker containers upon merge to the release
Running the build command will compile the TypeScript into JavaScript located within the /dist
This project uses SemVer for versioning. (FIXME)
This project follows the guidelines found here:
The main branch is the development branch. When it's time for a release, a release on GitHub is made and auto-published to GitHub Container Registry.
Code style is enforced in /control
using ESLint. Continuous Integration runs the linter before tests, however you may also run the linter yourself using:
npm run lint
Automatically fix style issues with:
npm run fix
This command will automatically run in a pre-commit Git hook.