Remote command and control framework Manage remote devices residing on private networks
Still under development, open to collaborations
It's often difficult to manage a remote device (on LTE/Private networks). remocc provides a mechanism to access a shell to the remote device and in addition allows you to run apps (remote cron tasks) on your devices.
- docker-compose build
- Bring up db and web containers
docker-compose up web db
- Use test device if necessary
docker-compose up device
- Exec and run test device
docker exec -it remocc_device_1 /bin/bash
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build ./
- Bring up db and webdev containers
docker-compose up webdev db
- Connect to the docker instance
docker exec -it remocc_webdev_1 /bin/bash
- Start the sshd daemon
- Compile and run
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build ./
- Exec and run test device
docker exec -it remocc_device_1 /bin/bash
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build ./