A floating window plugin for easy access to todos and other notes
The todos for a project...
... are separate from the "global" todos. The todo's that can't be associated with a single project.
If the directory that you open neovim from is a part of a git repo, the todos will be associated with the repo. Otherwise, the todos are associated with the directory you're in.
Install the plugin with your preferred package manager:
-- Lua
return {
config = function(opts)
local todo = require("tasklist")
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>tt", function() todo.toggle_window() end, { desc = 'Open global TODOs window' })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>tp", function() todo.toggle_proj_window() end, { desc = 'Open project TODOs window' })
Tasklist comes with the following defaults:
dir = vim.fn.expand(vim.fn.stdpath("state") .. "/todos/"), -- directory where todo files are saved. ~/.local/store/nvim/todos/
style = '', -- neovim supports blank, or simple
border = 'rounded', -- nvim allows these: https://neovim.io/doc/user/api.html#api-win_config:~:text=%27winhighlight%27.-,border
- read and write todos in buffer from/to a file
- project/repo-level vs global todo
- sync the instances/open windows (rpc)
- update the window whenever any todo window/file was updated
- only update the window if the underlying file was updated
- fancy icons marking doneness?
- change a prefix of a line to mean that the todo is done and the style of the line should change to reflect that