GUI to edit land mask in ROMS grid
install dependencies
- wxpython, numpy, scipy, matplotlib, netCDF4
or, clone this repo into /source and use the docker image:
xhost + && docker run -u root -ti --rm --runtime=runc -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v $HOME:$HOME -v /source:/source -v /static:/static rsoutelino/pyeditmask
Note that is necessary to mount
because that's how the X forwarding is handled from host to container. -
Note that a /static (or any other name of your preference) folder is also needed, so the grid file can be edited and persist once the docker container exits.
load the grid
Using the "A" buttons: toggle the buttom and start clicking with the left mouse buttom to make roughly a closed poligon. Click the right buttom when you're finished.