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Releases: rubocop/rubocop-performance

RuboCop Performance 1.10.1

01 Mar 23:03
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Bug fixes

  • #214: Fix a false positive for Performance/RedundantEqualityComparisonBlock when using multiple block arguments. (@koic)
  • #216: Fix a false positive for Performance/RedundantSplitRegexpArgument when using split method with ignore case regexp option. (@koic)
  • #217: Fix a false positive for Performance/RedundantEqualityComparisonBlock when using block argument is used for an argument of is_a. (@koic)

RuboCop Performance 1.10.0

28 Feb 17:14
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New features

  • #190: Add new Performance/RedundantSplitRegexpArgument cop. (@mfbmina)
  • #213: Add new Performance/RedundantEqualityComparisonBlock cop. (@koic)

Bug fixes

  • #207: Fix an error for Performance/Sum when using map(&do_something).sum without receiver. (@koic)
  • #210: Fix a false negative for Performance/BindCall when receiver is not a method call. (@koic)


  • #205: Update Performance/ConstantRegexp to allow memoized regexps. (@dvandersluis)
  • #212: Enable unsafe auto-correct for Performance/StartWith and Performance/EndWith cops by default. (@koic)

RuboCop Performance 1.9.2

01 Jan 02:48
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Bug fixes

  • #201: Fix an incorrect auto-correct for Performance/ReverseEach when using multi-line reverse.each with leading dot. (@koic)

RuboCop Performance 1.9.1

28 Nov 06:30
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Bug fixes

  • #185: Fix incorrect replacement recommendation for Performance/ChainArrayAllocation. (@fatkodima)


RuboCop Performance 1.9.0

16 Nov 15:52
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New features

  • #173: Add new Performance/BlockGivenWithExplicitBlock cop. (@fatkodima)
  • #136: Add new Performance/MethodObjectAsBlock cop. (@fatkodima)
  • #151: Add new Performance/ConstantRegexp cop. (@fatkodima)
  • #175: Add new Performance/ArraySemiInfiniteRangeSlice cop. (@fatkodima)
  • #189: Support auto-correction for Performance/Caller. (@koic)
  • #171: Extend auto-correction support for Performance/Sum. (@koic)
  • #194: Support auto-correction for Performance/UnfreezeString. (@koic)


  • #181: Change default configuration for Performance/CollectionLiteralInLoop to Enabled: 'pending'. (@ghiculescu)
  • #170: Extend Performance/Sum to register an offense for map { ... }.sum. (@eugeneius)
  • #179: Change Performance/Sum to warn about empty arrays, and not register an offense on empty array literals. (@ghiculescu)
  • #180: Require RuboCop 0.90 or higher. (@koic)

RuboCop Performance 1.8.1

18 Sep 16:06
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Bug fixes

  • #164: Fix an error for Performance/CollectionLiteralInLoop when a method from Enumerable is called with no receiver. (@eugeneius)
  • #165: Fix a false positive for Performance/Sum when using initial value argument is a variable. (@koic)


  • #163: Change Performance/Detect to also detect offenses when index 0 or -1 is used instead (ie. detect{ ... }[0]). (@dvandersluis)
  • #168: Extend Performance/Sum to register an offense for inject(&:+). (@eugeneius)

RuboCop Performance 1.8.0

04 Sep 07:05
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New features

Bug fixes

  • #159: Fix a false positive for Performance/AncestorsInclude when receiver is a variable. (@koic)


  • #157: Extend Performance/Detect cop with check for filter method and Performance/Count cop with checks for find_all and filter methods. (@fatkodima)
  • #154: Require RuboCop 0.87 or higher. (@koic)

RuboCop Performance 1.7.1

17 Jul 15:48
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Bug fixes

  • #147: Fix an error for Performance/AncestorsInclude when using ancestors.include? without receiver. (@koic)
  • #150: Fix an incorrect autocorrect for Performance/BigDecimalWithNumericArgument when a precision is specified. (@eugeneius)


  • #149: Mark Performance/AncestorsInclude as unsafe. (@eugeneius)
  • #145: Mark Performance/StringInclude as SafeAutocorrect: false and disable autocorrect by default. (@koic)

RuboCop Performance 1.7.0

07 Jul 00:30
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New features


  • #138: Drop support for RuboCop 0.81 or lower. (@koic)

RuboCop Performance 1.6.1

05 Jun 03:25
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New features

  • #115: Support String#sub and String#sub! methods for Performance/DeletePrefix and Performance/DeleteSuffix cops. (@fatkodima)

Bug fixes

  • #111: Fix an error for Performance/DeletePrefix and Performance/DeleteSuffix cops when using autocorrection with RuboCop 0.81 or lower. (@koic)
  • #118: Fix a false positive for Performance/DeletePrefix, Performance/DeleteSuffix, Performance/StartWith, and Performance/EndWith cops when receiver is multiline string. (@koic)