Discrete Math II 2019 - Famaf, Argentina. Uses the Greedy algorithm for Graph Coloring with C.
Runs several UnitTests over the required functions.
Runs several actions, saving the partial time for each of one:
- Graph reading
- Greedy with natural order
- WelshPowell Re-Ordering and Greedy
- 100 SwitchVertices
- 1000 RMBCs + Greedy
Shows the results of Greedy with the following orders:
- Natural
- Welsh Powell
- 100 SwitchVértices
- 100 RMBCs
Shows the results of running Greedy and Bipartite over the graph.
The makefile provides the following targets:
make <suite> GRAPH=Path/to/Graph
Suite over a GraphExample:
make sanity GRAPH=Graphs/K4.txt
make <suite>-all FOLDER=Path/To/Folder
Suite over a folder of GraphsEjemplo:
make performance-all FOLDER=Graphs/Performance
make <suite>-valgrind GRAPH=Path/To/Graph
Suite over a Graph with Valgrind results:make bipartito-valgrind GRAPH=Graphs/Bipartito.txt VALGRIND='valgrind --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all'
├── Graphs
│ ├── Bipartite
│ ├── Color
│ │ └── Small graphs to check COLOR suite
│ ├── Complete
│ │ └── Complete Graphs
│ └── Performance
│ └── Large graphs to test the PERFORMACE suite
├── Makefile
├── README.md
├── Test
│ ├── PrintTests.c
│ ├── TestSuites.c
│ ├── Tests.h
│ ├── TestsMultiples.c
│ └── UnitTests.c
├── Wahlaan
│ ├── Project .c files
│ └── Rii.h
└── main.c