This library is used to encrypt pdf files on the fly. It uses muhammara.js
underthehood to encrypt the pdf files.
You've access to four methods,
fromBufferToBuffer (buffer, passwordOptions)
First argument should be a buffer, it'll return a buffer of encrypted pdf.
fromFileToBuffer (inputFilePath, passwordOptions)
First argument should be a filePath from which the plain PDF file is read, it'll return a buffer of encrypted pdf.
fromFileToFile (inputFilePath, outputFilePath, passwordOptions)
First argument should be a filePath from which the plain PDF file is read and second argument should be the filePath where the encrypted PDF will be written, it'll return outputFilePath.
fromBufferTofile (buffer, outputFilePath, passwordOptions)
First argument should be a buffer and second argument should be the filePath where the encrypted PDF will be written it'll return outputFilePath.
passwordOptions is a simple object which must look like this
userPassword: '123', // required
ownerPassword: '123', // optional
userProtectionFlag: 4
All the above mentioned methods will return false if something goes wrong.
Here's a quick demo on