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Rasmus Wulff Jensen edited this page Dec 29, 2023 · 28 revisions

Welcome to the TrelloDotNet Wiki.

  • If you are new to Trello, then check out this Trello Introduction

  • If you are new to Trello API / This API Wrapper, you might want to check out the README first, and then come back here for the full details.

The API consists of 3 primary features.

1: TrelloClient

The TrelloClient is the raw API you use to interact with the Trello API and everything below is built on

Quick-link to feature areas:

Actions Attachments Boards Cards Checklist Comments Covers Custom Fields Generic Labels Lists Members Memberships Organisations PluginData Search Stickers Webhooks

2: Automation Engine

The Automation Engine allows you to do automation based on Webhooks

3: WebHook Data Receiver

The WebHook Data Receiver allows you to do custom webhook handling (aka if you do not wish to use the Automation Engine)

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