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Rasmus Wulff Jensen edited this page Nov 1, 2023 · 3 revisions

Back to Automation Action List

This Automation Action adds a set of Labels to a card if they are not already present.

Input options

Option Description
LabelIds The Label-ids to add
TreatLabelNameAsId Set this to 'True' if you supplied the names of labels instead of the Ids. While this is more convenient, it will in certain cases be slightly slower and less resilient to the renaming of things.


Automation sampleAutomation = new Automation("When Card is moved to the 'On Hold' column, Add a the Blocked Label to the card",
    new CardMovedToListTrigger(CardMovedToListTriggerConstraint.AnyOfTheseListsAreMovedTo, "On Hold") { TreatListNameAsId = true },
    null, // No conditions necessary
    new List<IAutomationAction>
        new AddLabelsToCardAction("Blocked") { TreatLabelNameAsId = true}
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