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Rasmus Wulff Jensen edited this page Nov 1, 2023 · 2 revisions

Back to Automation Condition List

Condition that checks if a Card has a checklist with a specific name and that checklist has one or more incomplete items

Input options

Option Description
ChecklistNameToCheck (Required) The name of the Checklist to check
ChecklistNameMatchCriteria (Optional) Defines the criteria on how to match the checklist name. Default is Equal Match


Automation sampleAutomation = new Automation("Add Warning Sticker when card moved to 'Done' and the 'Definition of Done' checklist are not complete",
    new CardMovedToListTrigger(CardMovedToListTriggerConstraint.AnyOfTheseListsAreMovedTo, "Done") { TreatListNameAsId = true },
    new List<IAutomationCondition>
        new ChecklistIncompleteCondition("Definition of Done") // <-- Our condition
    new List<IAutomationAction>
        new AddStickerToCardAction(new Sticker(StickerDefaultImageId.Warning))
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