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WebHook Data Receiver

Rasmus Wulff Jensen edited this page Jun 5, 2023 · 6 revisions

With the Webhook Data Receiver, you are able to easily turn the JSON received from a Webhook into C# Objects and Events so you can process them.


A more automated alternative to the Webhook Data Receiver is the Automation Engine. For comparison see this page

How to set up

In order to get the Webhook Data Receiver working you need to do the following steps:

  1. Get an API Key and Token
  2. Create a C# Based API Endpoint (Azure Function, ASP.NET Core API, Minimal API, or similar) that can accept HTTP POST and HEAD messages and run on HTTPS

TIP: For Local development use NGROK or Visual Studio DevTunnels for local development

  1. Add NuGet package TrelloDotNet to the project
  2. Add the following basic code for now to the Endpoint (Code is based on Azure Function but adjust accordingly to get the JSON)
public class WebhookReceiversample
    // ReSharper disable once UnusedMember.Global
    public async Task<HttpResponseData> Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "post", "head")] HttpRequestData req)
        var trelloClientHelper = new TrelloClientController();
            //Get The raw JSON from the webhook and process it
            using var streamReader = new StreamReader(req.Body);
            var json = await streamReader.ReadToEndAsync(); //JSON from a Board Webhook

            //Get a configured Trello client
            var trelloClient = trelloClientHelper.GetTrelloClient();

            var webhookDataReceiver = new TrelloDotNet.WebhookDataReceiver(trelloClient);

            //Option 1: Use code to parse the event yourself
            WebhookNotificationBoard webhookBoard = webhookDataReceiver.ConvertJsonToWebhookNotificationBoard(json); //Alternative you can get data from a list of a card if that is what you subscribed to in your Webhook

            Board board = webhookBoard.Board; //Info on the source-board
            WebhookAction action = webhookBoard.Action; //The Webhook-action (generic if webhook is Board, List or Card)
            string actionType = action.Type; //The type of event (Example: 'UpdateCard' or 'AddLabelToCard')
            WebhookActionData webhookActionData = action.Data; //Data about the event (aka what board, list, card, etc. was involved)
            WebhookActionDisplay webhookActionDisplay = action.Display; //Display name of the Action (can sometime help better understand the event)
            Member actionMemberCreator = action.MemberCreator; //The member who did the action

            //Todo: Use above to react and do what you need to do

            //Option 2: Let the Webhook Receiver send you C# Event based on the incoming data

            //You can subscribe to basic raw events (there are over 70 of these)
            webhookDataReceiver.BasicEvents.OnUpdateCard += BasicEvents_OnUpdateCard;
            webhookDataReceiver.BasicEvents.OnAddLabelToCard += BasicEvents_OnAddLabelToCard;

            //Or you can subscribe to more curated events (Few but common events people need)
            webhookDataReceiver.SmartEvents.OnCardMovedToNewList += SmartEvents_OnCardMovedToNewList;
            webhookDataReceiver.SmartEvents.OnLabelAddedToCard += SmartEvents_OnLabelAddedToCard;

        catch (Exception e)
            //todo - deal with exceptions (error mail or the like) and potential retry

        return req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);//This is still OK as Trello should not see exception as the receiver 

    private void SmartEvents_OnLabelAddedToCard(WebhookSmartEventLabelAdded args)
        var labelId = args.AddedLabelId;
        var labelName = args.AddedLabelName;
        var cardId = args.CardId;

        //Todo - React and implement Logic

    private void SmartEvents_OnCardMovedToNewList(WebhookSmartEventCardMovedToNewList args)
        var newListId = args.NewListId;
        var newListName = args.NewListName;
        var oldListId = args.OldListId;
        var oldListName = args.OldListName;
        var cardId = args.CardId;

        //Todo - React and implement Logic

    private void BasicEvents_OnAddLabelToCard(WebhookAction args)
        WebhookActionData actionData = args.Data; //Data about event
        //Todo - React and implement Logic

    private void BasicEvents_OnUpdateCard(WebhookAction args)
        WebhookActionData actionData = args.Data; //Data about event
        //Todo - React and implement Logic
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