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Rasmus Wulff Jensen edited this page Nov 29, 2023 · 13 revisions

The TrelloDotNet Automation Engine, is a system that leverages Trello Webhooks, in order to automate processes on a Trello Board when users trigger specific scenarios.

A more manual alternative to the Automation Engine is the Webhook data receiver. For comparison see this page

You can break any automation down to 3 parts; A <Trigger>, optional <Condition(s)>, and <Action(s)>

A <Trigger>:

The user-action on a Trello Board (Examples: 'Move a Card to another list', 'Add a Member to a Card', 'Remove a Label from a Card', 'Create a Card', etc.)

Zero, one or more <Condition(s)>:

The Condition of an object, most often a card, have at the time of the trigger (Examples: 'Card has no members', 'Card is in List 'In Progress', 'There is an incomplete checklist on the Card')

One or More <Action(s)>:

If the trigger happens and Condition(s) are met, it is time to do the Automation Action. The Action will often be something affecting the Trello Board (often on a card) or some 3rd party system with a Custom Action (Examples: 'Add a Label', 'Add a Warning sticker', 'Add a Checklist', 'Remove a member')

Examples of Automations the system supports (for inspiration):

  1. When a Card is moved to the In Progress Column <Trigger> and it has Label 'Product Feature' <Condition> then add a Definition of Done Checklist <Action>.
  2. When a Card is moved to the 'Done' List <Trigger>, check if there are incomplete checklists <Condition> and if so add a warning sticker <Action>
  3. When the 'Bug' label is added to a Card <Trigger>, and there are no members on the Card <Condition>, Send an e-mail to warn Trello Board Administrators <Custom Action>

(There is no fixed set of scenarios the system can handle, only your imagination)

How to set up (Building Blocks)

In order to get the Automation Engine working you need to do the following steps:

  1. Get an API Key and Token
  2. Create a C# Based API Endpoint (Azure Function, ASP.NET Core API, Minimal API, or similar) that can accept HTTP POST and HEAD messages and run on HTTPS

TIP: For Local development use NGROK or Visual Studio DevTunnels

  1. Add NuGet package TrelloDotNet to the project
  2. Add the following basic code for now to the Endpoint (Code is based on Azure Function but adjust accordingly to get the JSON)
public class WebhookReceiver
    public async Task<HttpResponseData> Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "post", "head")] HttpRequestData req)
            //Get a configured Trello client
            var trelloClient = new TrelloClient("MY_API_KEY", "MY_TOKEN");

            //Create the configuration 
            List<Automation> automations = new List<Automation>
                //todo - Added you needed automations. Here is a dummy Automation as example:

                new Automation("Name of Automation: Example When Card is moved to In Progress Column, Add Definition of Done Checklist",
                    new CardMovedToListTrigger(CardMovedToListTriggerConstraint.AnyOfTheseListsAreMovedTo, "In Progress")
                        TreatListNameAsId = true
                    new List<IAutomationCondition>
                        new LabelCondition(LabelConditionConstraint.AnyOfThesePresent, "Bug")
                            TreatLabelNameAsId = true
                    new List<IAutomationAction>
                        new AddChecklistToCardAction(new Checklist("Bug Definition of Done Checklist", new List<ChecklistItem>
                            new ChecklistItem("Reproduce error in local environment"),
                            new ChecklistItem("Add Unit-test to cover bug"),
                            new ChecklistItem("Do Root cause analysis")


            var configuration = new Configuration(trelloClient, automations.ToArray());

            //Create the Automation controller
            var automationController = new TrelloDotNet.AutomationEngine.AutomationController(configuration);

            //Get The raw JSON from the webhook and process it
            using var streamReader = new StreamReader(req.Body);
            var json = await streamReader.ReadToEndAsync();
            var result = await automationController.ProcessJsonFromWebhookAsync(new ProcessingRequest(json));
            //todo - Optional: use result for any sort of post-processing of stats
        catch (Exception e)
            //todo - deal with exceptions (error mail or the like) and potential retry

        return req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);//This is still OK as Trello should not see an exception as the receiver 
  1. Run the Code so it is publically accessible to the internet
  2. Make a Console App or similar with the TrelloDotNet Nuget to register the Webhook (alternative use Postman as it is one-time code)
  3. Add the following code and run it:
var trelloClient = new TrelloClient("MY_API_KEY", "MY_TOKEN");
string description = "My first Webhook";
string callbackUrl = "https://myUrlThatCanReceiveTheWebhook";
var idOfTypeYouWishToMonitor = boardId;
var webhook = new Webhook(description, callbackUrl, idOfTypeYouWishToMonitor);
var addedWebhook = trelloClient.AddWebhookAsync(webhook);

You should now see the dummy automation trigger if the trigger and condition is met, and you are ready to use the below <Trigger(s)>, <Condition(s)>, and <Action(s)> to create your real Automations.

Here is the full setup in overview form:



The Automation engine has the following out-of-the-box Triggers

Note: In the examples of Triggers below we over-use the TreatListNameAsId and TreatLabelNameAsId feature more than in 'real code' (as it is easier to understand). In real code using IDs is better as the code is more resilient to List/Label name changes on the board.

Trigger Description
CardCreatedTrigger Trigger when a card is added
CardEmailedTrigger Trigger when a card is emailed to the board
CardMovedAwayFromListTrigger Trigger of an event that is a Card is Moved away from a List
CardMovedToBoardTrigger Trigger that happens when a card is moved to the board
CardMovedToListTrigger Trigger of an event that is a Card is Moved to a List
CardUpdatedTrigger Trigger when a card is updated
CheckItemStateUpdatedOnCardTrigger Trigger that occurs when a Check-item on a Card Change State
LabelAddedToCardTrigger Trigger that occurs when a Card gets a new label Added
LabelRemovedFromCardTrigger Trigger that occurs when a Card has a label removed
MemberAddedToCardTrigger Trigger that occurs when a Card gets a new Member Added
MemberRemovedFromCardTrigger Trigger that occurs when a Card has a Member removed

If you need other/more advanced triggers then please submit a feature request issue or make your own Custom Trigger


The Automation engine has the following out-of-the-box Conditions

Note: In the examples of Conditions below we over-use the TreatListNameAsId and TreatLabelNameAsId feature more than in 'real code' (as it is easier to understand). In real code using IDs is better as the code is more resilient to List/Label name changes on the board.

Condition Description
CardCoverCondition Check if a Card has a specific Cover or not
CardFieldCondition Check if a Card Field has a particular value
ChecklistItemsCompleteCondition Condition that checks if a Card has all its check-items complete
ChecklistItemsIncompleteCondition Condition that checks if a Card has one or more incomplete check items on any of its checklists
ChecklistIncompleteCondition Condition that checks if a Card has a checklist with a specific name and that checklist has one or more incomplete items
ChecklistNotStartedCondition Condition that checks if a Card has a checklist with a specific name and that none of the items on that list is completed (aka the Checklist has not been started)
LabelCondition Condition that checks labels on a Card is present/not present
ListCondition Condition that checks if a card is on a specific list or the event involved a specific list
MemberCondition Condition that checks whether Members on a Card is present/not present

If you need other/more advanced conditions then please submit a feature request issue or make your own Custom Condition


The Automation engine has the following out-of-the-box Actions

Note: In the examples of Actions below we over-use the TreatListNameAsId and TreatLabelNameAsId feature more than in 'real code' (as it is easier to understand). In real code using IDs is better as the code is more resilient to List/Label name changes on the board.

Action Description
AddChecklistToCardAction This Automation Action adds a specific Checklist to a card if it is not already present. (This is often used for automation of 'Definition of Done')
AddChecklistToCardIfLabelMatchAction This Automation Action adds Checklists to cards if it is not already present based on what Labels are present on the card.
AddCommentToCardAction Add a Comment to the Card
AddCoverOnCardAction This Automation Action adds/updates a Cover on a card (This is often used to warn about something irregular on a Card, for example when it is moved to 'Done')
AddLabelsToCardAction This Automation Action adds a set of Labels to a card if they are not already present.
AddMembersToCardAction This Automation Action adds a set of Members to a card if they are not already present.
AddStickerToCardAction This Automation Action adds a specific Sticker to a card if it is not already present. (This is often used to warn about something irregular on a Card, for example when it is moved to 'Done')
RemoveCardDataAction Action to remove one or more field values on a card
RemoveChecklistFromCardAction This Automation Action Removes a Checklist from a Card if it is present
RemoveCoverFromCardAction This Automation Action Removes a Cover from a card
RemoveLabelsFromCardAction Remove one or more Labels from a card
RemoveMembersFromCardAction Remove one or more Members from a card
RemoveStickerFromCardAction This Automation Action removes a specific Sticker from a card based on imageId
SetFieldsOnCardAction Action to set one or more fields on a card
StopProcessingFurtherAction An action that will stop any further processing of automations after this one for the given Webhook Receive Request

If you need other/more advanced Actions then please submit a feature request issue or make your own Custom Action

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