This provides a base Drupal site that can function within GitPod.
- Install GitPod and sign up for an account with your GitLab, GitHub, or Bitbucket account, if you haven't already. Add the browser extension.
- Click the "GitPod" button that now appears beside this repository or your own repository.
- Optionally launch Visual Studio Code to edit from the desktop app instead of the browser.
- PHP 8.1 and PHP extensions recommended for Drupal 9: APCU and UploadProgress
- Latest version of composer.
- Pa11y accessibility testing tool.
- module_filter and admin_toolbar modules for easier administration.
- Drupal console to aid in custom development.
Username: admin Password: ZNB*ufm1tyz4rwc@yzk
- Update to Drupal 10, once there is no longer a conflict with Drupal console
- Add XDebug for PHP testing