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vite-plugin-favicons 🎨

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Generate favicons for your Vite project with ease!

🚀 Features

  • Automatically generates favicons for your Vite project
  • Supports various favicon formats and sizes
  • Easy integration with Vite build process
  • Caching mechanism for faster builds
  • TypeScript support

📦 Installation

npm install vite-plugin-favicons --save-dev
# or
yarn add vite-plugin-favicons --dev
# or
pnpm add vite-plugin-favicons -D

🛠️ Usage

  1. Import the plugin in your Vite config file:
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import { faviconsPlugin } from 'vite-plugin-favicons';

export default defineConfig({
	plugins: [
			imgSrc: './src/assets/favicon.png',
			// other options...

You must pass options defined in index.d.ts to the plugin. You can also pass options from the Favicons package.

  1. Use the generated favicons in your HTML:
import faviconLinks from 'virtual:favicons';

// You can see the output result

🖼️ Svelte Example

Import the FaviconsHead component from the virtual:favicons module, and add it inside <svelte:head> tag in your Svelte component.

	import { FaviconsHead } from 'virtual:favicons';

	<!-- eslint-disable-next-line svelte/no-at-html-tags -->
	{@html FaviconsHead}

Then use this component to inject the favicon links into the head tag in your Svelte app.

You can see SvelteKit Example Project.

🔄 Usage in Other Frameworks

While the example above is Svelte-specific, you can use this plugin with any framework that works with Vite. The key is to import the favicon links from virtual:favicons and insert them into your HTML head section using the appropriate method for your framework.

⚙️ Configuration

The plugin accepts the following options:

  • imgSrc (required): Path to the source image for generating favicons
  • faviconAssetsDest (optional): Output path for favicon images and manifest (default: ${assetsDir}/favicons)
  • Other options from the Favicons package

The additional options are based on the Favicons library. For a full list of options and their descriptions, please refer to the Favicons package documentation.

🧩 TypeScript Support

This plugin includes TypeScript definitions. You can import types as follows:

import type { Options } from 'vite-plugin-favicons';

🔄 Caching

The plugin implements a caching mechanism to avoid regenerating favicons unnecessarily. It uses an MD5 hash of the configuration and source image to determine if regeneration is needed.

🤝 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.

📄 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License.

🙏 Acknowledgements

This plugin is built on top of the excellent Favicons package.

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