Livestreamer is a library and a CLI that can be used to retrieve information and stream data from various livestreaming and VOD services.
See for more information on how to use it.
If you wish to contribute to this project please follow these guidelines:
- Basic Git knowledge (
- Coding style: It's not strictly PEP8 ( but at least tries to stay close to it.
- Add unit tests if possible and make sure existing ones pass.
- Make sure your code is compatible with Python 2.6+ and 3.2+.
- Squash commits where it makes sense to do so (fixing typos or other mistakes should not be a separate commit).
- Open a pull request that relates to but one subject with a clear title and description.
- When creating a pull request, make sure it's on the correct branch. These branches are currently used:
- master: Only critical fixes that needs to be released ASAP.
- develop: Everything else.