- Inventory Management System
- Live Demo can be found at - https://shopify-ims.herokuapp.com/ (please allow sometime, while loading the first time, the heroku containers might wake up from a deep sleep after a long time).
Please install docker and docker-compose for installation as this project uses multiple dependencies
If you use docker as a non-root user please run the commands as sudo or set up docker as a non root user
Once docker is installed create a
in thecore directory
Fill its content using .example.env file
Now run the following commands -
docker-compose --env-file ./core/.env up
Once it runs and the terminal reads Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
your server starts running
Now create a new terminal and run the migrations only once at the start or anytime you change the models using-
docker exec -it django_container /bin/bash
It opens an interative shell where you can migrate using -
python3 manage.py migrate
- You app is now ready
- Navigate to to see the magic
- create a category
- create a brand
- create the attributes
- create the product
- now create its inventory
- Basic CRUD
- Product groupped into categories and multiple variants of a product
- Image Thumbnail generation of an uploaded image automatically