is a library for exporting OpenTelemetry
trace data, as modeled by opentelemetry-erlang,
to a Jaeger endpoint.
The configuration is passed through the options specified when configuring the :opentelemetry
config :opentelemetry,
processors: [
otel_batch_processor: %{
exporter: {OpenTelemetryJaeger, %{
# Defaults to `:agent`.
endpoint_type: :agent,
# Defaults to `"localhost"`.
host: "localhost",
# Defaults to `6832`.
port: 6832,
# Used only when `endpoint_type` is set to `:collector`.
http_headers: [{"X-Foo", "Bar"}],
# Defaults to `OpenTelemetryJaeger.SpanRefTypeMapperDefault` and if set, the module must implement the
# `OpenTelemetryJaeger.SpanRefTypeMapper` protocol. It is used when using linking spans together and the
# implementation for `Any` returns `SpanRefType.child_of()`.
span_ref_type_mapper: MySpanRefTypeMapper,
finch_settings: [],
# Defaults to `Mix.Project.config()[:app]`, in PascalCase.
service_name: "MyService",
# Defaults to `Mix.Project.config()[:version]`.
service_version: "MyServiceVersion"
When the project is compiled, the Jaeger Thrift IDL
files, stored in the priv
directory, are compiled and the output is stored in lib/jaeger/thrift
For the meaning of the configuration key span_ref_type_mapper
, see OpenTelemetryJaeger.SpanRefTypeMapper
Internally, OpenTelemetryJaeger
starts a DynamicSupervisor
to supervise the connection processes started by Finch
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding opentelemetry_jaeger
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:opentelemetry_jaeger, "~> 0.1.0"}
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