A basic Telegram starter to avoid some repetitions and rewrite on python using python-telegram-bot API
Add your token given by the Bot Father in the config.ini file
from zybot import (config_ini, config)
from zybot import app
configuration = config.Configuration(ctor=config_ini.ConfigurationIni, filename="./config.ini")
application = app.Application()
def start(bot, update):
Say to you 'hello world'
bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="hello world")
def protected(bot, update):
Say to you 'hello admin'
bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="hello admin")
token = token_given_by_the_bot_father
# separator ,
admin = id_given_by_user_info_bot
$ ZYBOT_APP="hello.py" python3 -m zybot zybot