Follow this tutorial : (stop at step Check installation)
In few words install an extension inside visual studio code and docker engine
npx hardhat deploy_ERC20 (--network YOUR_SELECTED_NETWORK ) YourTokenFullName YourTokenACRONYM YourTokenSupply
for example
npx hardhat deploy_ERC20 Erc20_Test TERC20 1000000000
this supposes you allready had uploaded metadata and images to a ipfs directory
npx hardhat deploy_ERC721 (--network YOUR_SELECTED_NETWORK ) YourNFTCollectionName YourNftAcronym the full ipfs address
for example
npx hardhat deploy_ERC721 ERC721_Test E721T "ipfs://QmeSjSinHpPnmXmspMjwiXyN6zS4E9zccariGR3jxcaWtq/"
Ok, you have a smart contract for NFT's .... but how to mint ????
npx hardhat mint_ERC721 (--network YOUR_SELECTED_NETWORK ) YourNFTContractAddress DestinationAddress