#report engine lab to generate report from server side data to some format pdf, excel #tested generate thousands of pdf pages and excel rows with #this code not cover the subject of creating data from db, this would be charge to mongo aggregation or sql query
#dev and tested with nodejs v15.0.1
#clone and run code:
- git clone https://github.com/saigonbitmaster/reportEngine
- yarn
- yarn run server
- http://localhost:3000/
#run separate client and server
- yarn run server
- yarn run app
#access frontend
#access api
#build client and run server
- yarn run build
- yarn run server
#access built frontend and backend http://localhost:3000/
#if any error rm -rf node_modules yarn yarn run server
#if you wish to try modify or replace the following files with yours then see result loopback/data/* //data files loopback/template/* //template files
#try to generate report http://localhost:3000/ select pdf/excel, type the number of report page wish to create, select option then submit