Navigate to the directory where you want to store the directory with project. For instance, your home directory cd ~
git clone
And when downloading is done, navigate to the project directory cd annotation-processor
composer install
In your TestCase class, in setUp() method, which extends from \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase create and use function like:
public function setUp()
private function _processAnnotations()
$class = get_class($this);
$methodName = $this->getName(false);
$annotationProcessor = new AnnotationProcessor($class, $methodName);
// @domains
if ($domainsExcept = $annotationProcessor->process(new Annotation\ArrayAnnotation(AnnotationsNames::DOMAINS_EXCEPT)))
if (Env::isRC() && in_array(Env::RC, $domainsExcept))
$this->markTestSkipped("Skip the test that is not for RC: {$class}::{$methodName}");
elseif (Env::isProduction() && in_array(Env::PROD, $domainsExcept))
$this->markTestSkipped("Skip the test that is not for Production: {$class}::{$methodName}");
elseif (Env::isStand() && in_array(Env::STAND, $domainsExcept))
$this->markTestSkipped("Skip the test that is not for stands: {$class}::{$methodName}");
// @bug
if ($annotationProcessor->process(new Annotation\BoolAnnotation(AnnotationsNames::BUG)))
$this->markTestSkipped("Skip the test {$class}::{$methodName}, because it has deactivated due to a @bug!");
// @todocase
if ($annotationProcessor->process(new Annotation\BoolAnnotation(AnnotationsNames::TODOCASE)))
$this->markTestSkipped("Skip the test {$class}::{$methodName}, because it has @todocase, write it!");
This function, when starting each test, will analyze the constants from the description and apply the actions described in the function above.
Use constants in _processAnnotations()
class AnnotationsNames
const DOMAINS_EXCEPT = '@domainsExcept';
const BUG = '@bug';
const TODOCASE = '@todocase';
* @labels Labels::RELEASE
* @todocase Проверка поиска "Только туда"
public function testSearchOW() {}
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