Allow you to enable developer options in Instagram!
When the module is enabled, kill Instagram and long press home button. You will be able go to developer page and sometimes other stuff.
It might not work for all versions because classes name and methods name often change from update to another :/
You will need Lsposed/Xposed framework to use it.(Root devices)
LSPatch(Non-Root devices)
First you will need to use Jadx to decompile an Instagram apk.
- Open Jadx and select your apk.
- Click on the text search button at top, wait for decompiling (it can takes several times)
- Search for "
" or "("is_employee", Boolean.valueOf(
" and find a line similar to:
r2.A0i("is_employee", Boolean.valueOf(C8WQ.A03(userSession)));
Double click on the method name, A03 and go at top. You will see a line like this:
/* renamed from: X.8WQ reason: invalid class name */
You now know the class to hook: X.8WQ!