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[Server Hosting] VehicleSettings

LieutenantMaster edited this page Apr 11, 2022 · 28 revisions

Last updated the 10th of April 2022 - Return to the summary



Contains the current setting version number, never change this value unless you really know what you are doing as it's used internally for automatic conversion of old settings whenever we change something.

"VehicleSync" - Work in progress.


  • 0 = Server will try to sync to client.
  • 1 = Client will try to sync to server ("clientside vehicles").

"ForcePilotSyncIntervalSeconds" - Experimental option, likely to be removed at some point.


Time interval to try and sync pilot in seconds. Set to 0 to disable.



  • 0 = Even if your car is paired to a key, you don't need to have the key in the vehicle inventory or on yourself.
  • 1 = You will need a car key paired to the vehicle in your inventory or in the inventory of the vehicle to start the engine.
  • 2 = You need to have the key in your hands to start the engine.



  • 0 = Even if you are missing some doors, you can still lock the vehicle.
  • 1 = You will need all the doors of the car to lock your vehicle.



  • 0 = Players will need to unlock the vehicle to access the inventory.
  • 1 = Allow players to access the inventory of the vehicle even if this vehicle is locked.



  • -1 = infinite master pairing uses
  • 0 = disabled. You can pair any keys to your already paired car.
  • 1 = limited uses before becoming a normal car key (MasterKeyUses)
  • 2 = renewable with a electronicalrepairkit or a keygrinder (will also use MasterKeyUses)
  • 3 = renewable with a keygrinder (will also use MasterKeyUses).

P.S. Expansion provide his own "KeyGrinder" but we have added compability to the KeyGrinder from the mod MuchCarKeys in case if you want to


Integer. Amount of times the masterkey can pair unpaired keys.



  • 0 = You can't lock pick vehicles.
  • 1 = Allow players to lock pick vehicles.


Array. A list of classnames (items) allowed to lockpick cars.


Integer. The Percentage of chance to successfully lock pick a vehicle (from 0 to 100)


Integrer. How many seconds it will take to do the lock pick action


Integer. How much damage the tool will take when completing the action. In percentage (from 0 to 100).



  • 0 = Players will need to unlock the vehicle to access the inventory.
  • 1 = Allow players to access the inventory of the vehicle even if this vehicle is locked.



  • 0 = The helicopters won't have wind simulation.
  • 1 = Enable wind simulation for helicopters.



  • 0 = rotors of helicopters can't be damaged.
  • 1 = rotors of helicopters can be damaged and will spin if destroy making the helicopters almost unusable.



  • 0 = Players will fall and take damage like in vanilla.
  • 1 = Allow players to stay on moving objects like cars, helicopters, planes or boats.



  • 0 = Towing is disabled.
  • 1 = Allow cars to tow other cars. Helicopters can tow any types vehicles.



  • 0 = Helicopters won't explode.
  • 1 = Helicopters can explode.



  • 0 = The Vehicles can take damage from anything (collision damage multipliers apply).
  • 1 = The vehicles can't take damage (collision and bullet proof)


Float. Collision damage multiplier for the crew. How fast they will blackout or die. 0 is no damage, 1 is vanilla damage, above 1 is stronger than vanilla.


Float. Collision damage multiplier for the speed of the car. 0 is no damage, 1 is vanilla damage, above 1 is stronger than vanilla.



  • 0 = Disabled, you cannot change the lock of a vehicle (key).
  • 1 = You can change the lock of a vehicle (key).


Array. A list of classnames (items) allowed to change the lock of a vehicle.


Integer. Time it will take to change the lock in seconds (s)


Float. How much damage the tool will take when executing the action (in percentage, from 0 to 100)


Integer. If the player crash (or server crash). Should the player be placed on the ground ?

  • 0 = disabled
  • 1 = Always
  • 2 = Only on server restarts



  • 0 = Disabled, the engine won't be damaged.
  • 1 = Going beyond the red bar from your RPM gauge will ruin the vehicle engine. (vanilla)



  • 0 = Disabled (vanilla)
  • 1 = If a car door is ruined, this door will detach from the vehicle and fall down.



  • 0 = Disabled (vanilla)
  • 1 = All the attachments of this vehicle will be detached and will fall.


Float. How often the server should force the pilot (driver) to be synced with the server.


Array. A list of classnames (vehicles) and their config for player attachment

"VehiclesConfig" -> "ClassName"

String. The classname of the vehicle

"VehiclesConfig" -> "CanPlayerAttach"


  • 0 = Players won't be able to attach on the vehicle
  • 1 = Players can attach on this vehicle while it's moving
    "ClassName": "OffroadHatchback",
    "CanPlayerAttach": 0

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