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Releases: samchon/tstl


27 Mar 20:16
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.5.13...v3.0.0


06 Nov 15:09
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.5.12...v2.5.13

TypeScript-STL v2.5.12

10 Oct 02:29
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.4.11...v2.5.12

TypeScript-STL v2.4.11

09 Sep 10:10
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TypeScript-STL v2.4.0

TypeScript-STL v2.3.1

TypeScript-STL v2.2.3

TypeScript-STL v2.1.1

TypeScript-STL v2.0.5

10 Sep 02:13
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New Features


Module <numeric> has newly implemented in the TSTL by this v2.0 update. special_math features, who implemented in the v1.7 update, are also belonged to this <numeric> module.

export interface IComputable<Param, Ret = Param>
    plus(val: Param): Ret;
    minus(val: Param): Ret;
    negate(): Ret;

    multiplies(val: Param): Ret;
    divides(val: Param): Ret;
    modules(val: Param): Ret;

Mathmatical functions are also implemented in the <numeric> module. If you want to utilize the algorithm functions with your own computable class, then extends the IComputable interface and override the methods. Those methods would be used by below operators.

  • operations
    • gcm
    • lcd
    • iota
    • accumulate
    • inner_product
    • adjacent_difference
    • partial_sum
    • inclusive_scan & transform_inclusive_scan
    • exclusive_scan & transform_exclusive_scan
  • operators
    • plus & minus
    • multiplies & negate
    • divides & modules


A global function get_uid has published.

export function get_uid(obj: Object): number;

You can get UID (unique identifier) of parameter Object by the function. The get_uid function has existed since the start of TSTL, however, it's the first time that the feature has published (exported) for users.'s-new-in-TypeScript#new---declarationmap

Since TypeScript v2.9 update, emitting declaration map files has been possible. To follow the TypeScript policy, TSTL also starts emitting the files.

Break Changes

Modular System

Unlike old versions who had merged source files (TS) into only a single JS file, v2.0 update does not merge them. Since the v2.0 update, output JS files are correspondent with each TS source file and they're connected by the the import statement who follows the modular system (CommonJS).

Thus, importing TSTL within browser level (<script src="tstl.js"></script>) is not possible more. When you want to use the TSTL in browser application, then you must use a bundler like browserify.

By the way, following the modular system, you can take an additional benefit. You can implement partial import by writing detailed path of the target feature like below:

import * as std from "tstl";

import { Vector, TreeMap } from "tstl/container";
import a = require("tstl/iterator");
import b = require("tstl/algorithm");
import c = require("tstl/exception");
import d = require("tstl/functional");
import e = require("tstl/utility");
import sMath = require("tstl/numeric/special_math");
import { sleep_until, shared_timed_mutex } from "tstl/thread";

import experimental = require("tstl/experimental");
import base = require("tstl/base");


Global comparators in TSTL (used in associative containers), they've changed to compare origin type of parameters using the valueOf() function since v2.0 update. Also, getting new type Bigint is also possible.

  • Functions
    • less
    • equal_to
    • not_equal_to, less_equal, greater, greater_equal
    • hash

Also, the comparable interface IComparable has changed its methods to be required (optional symbol ? is removed). If you need only partial feature of the IComparable, then utilize the Pick type.

interface IComparable<T>
    equals(obj: T): boolean;
    less(obj: T): boolean;
    hashCode(): number;

declare class Point2D implements Pick<IComparable<MyClass>, "equals"|"less">
    public x: number;
    public y: number;

    public equals(p: Point2D): boolean;
    public less(p: Point2D): boolean;

base.SetContainer & base.MapContainer

export abstract class MapContainer<Key, T, 
        Unique extends boolean, 
        Source extends MapContainer<Key, T, Unique, Source>>
    extends Container<Entry<Key, T>,
        MapIterator<Key, T, Unique, Source>,
        MapReverseIterator<Key, T, Unique, Source>>
    public abstract insert(pair: IPair<Key, T>): MapContainer.InsertRet<Key, T, Unique, Source>;
    public abstract emplace(key: T, val: T): MapContainer.InsertRet<Key, T, Unique, Source>;

export namespace MapContainer
    export type InsertRet<Key, T,
                Unique extends boolean,
                Source extends MapContainer<Key, T, Unique, Source>>
        = Unique extends true
            ? Pair<MapIterator<Key, T, Unique, Source>, boolean> 
            : MapIterator<Key, T, Unique, Source>;

Since v2.0 update, new generic parameter Unique has newly added in the base SetContainer and MapContainer. Those base containers also have new abstract methods insert and emplace had not existed in the earlier versions.

The Unique parameter would be specified in their sub-class level like UniqueMap (TreeMap and HashMap) or MultiSet (TreeMultiSet and HashMultiSet). Those specifications determine the return types of insert and emplace methods, using the conditional type, new feature of TS v2.9.

Fixed Errors

  • Error on copy_backward in <algorithm> has been fixed.
  • Error on empty in <iterator>, returning opposite result, has been fixed

TypeScript-STL v1.7.10

22 Mar 05:30
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New Features


Extension of TSTL Containers dispatching Events.

With TSTL v1.7 update, I've published a supplementary extension module which is named ECOL, too. ECOL is an extension module of this TSTL, providing special collections dispatching events. The special collections are almost similar with the original STL Containers, but you also can observe elements' I/O events with the special collections.

Types of the event dispatched by the special collections are "insert", "erase" and "refresh".

import {TreeMapCollection} from "ecol";

function listener(event: TreeMapCollection.Event<number, string>): void
    console.log("Event type is: " + event.type);

    for (let it = event.first; !it.equals(event.last); it =
        console.log("\t", "An element by that event:", it.value);

function main(): void
    let map: TreeMapCollection<number, string> = new TreeMapCollection();
    map.addEventListener("insert", listener);
    map.addEventListener("erase", listener);

    map.set(1, "One");
    map.set(2, "Two");
    map.set(3, "Three");


    map.set(2, "Second"); // DUPLICATED -> UPDATE
    map.refresh(); // BY USER

Special Math

The Mathematical Special Functions have adopted in STL, since C++17 revise. Following the STL revise, TSTL also adapts the Mathematical Special Functions since v1.7 update.

List of Mathematical Special Functions are such below:

Insert Iterators

Insert Iterators are special output iterators, who have value setter (writeonly). They're very suitable for global functions in <algorith> module, espcialy whose name is ended as _copy postfix.

Class Name Global Factory Method Required Method
InsertIterator inserter(Container) Container.insert(Iterator, Value)
FrontInsertInserter front_inserter(Container) Container.push_front(Value)
BackInsertIterator back_inserter(Container) Container.push_back(Vaue)

The Insert Iteratores are type of forward iterators providing next() method, however notice that, their next() methods return only themseles (this). They're adaptor classes calling insertion methods of their source containers repeatedly.

import std = require("tstl");

function main(): void
    // 100, 99, 98, ..., 1
    let list: std.List<number> = new std.List();
    for (let i: number = 1; i <= 100; ++i)
    let vec: std.Vector<number> = new std.Vector();
    std.copy(list.begin(), list.end(), std.back_inserter(vec));
    // ELEMENTS IN `list` & `vec` ARE EQUAL.
    console.log(std.equal(vec.rbegin(), vec.rend(), list.begin()));

std.sample & std.randint

Two global functions are newly added on the <algorithm> module since C++17 revise.

The sample is a sampling function picks up random n elements between [first, last) for inserts them to output. The picked up values (count: n) who would be inserted to the output iterator, they'll keep the origin sequence of [first, last).

The randint is a function returns a random integer value between x and y. If x and y are integer, then the returned value can be one of them: x or y. Remember that, x must be less than y.

namespace std
    export function sample<T, 
        InputIterator extends Readonly<IForwardIterator<T, InputIterator>>, 
        OutputIterator extends Writeonly<IForwardItertor<T, OutputIterator>>>
            first: InputIterator, last: InputIterator, 
            output: OutputIterator, n: number
        ): OutputIterator;

    export function randint(x: number, y: number): number;

Heap functions in <algorithm>

New global functions handling the heap have newly added.

toJSON method on Containers

Since v1.7 update, all containers in TSTL have toJSON() method for JSON.stringify(). By the method, you can serialize container to JSON-string, as a form of Array storing its elements.

import std = require("tstl");

function main(): void
    let list: std.List<number> = new std.List();
    for (let i: number = 0; i < 10; ++i)

    let str: string = JSON.stringify(list);
    console.log(str); // "[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]"

    let array: Array<number> = JSON.parse(str);
    let deq: std.Deque<number> = new std.Deque(...array);

    // ELEMENTS IN `list` & `deq` ARE SAME
    console.log(std.equal(list.begin(), list.end(), deq.begin()));


<algorithm> & <iterator> to be much more generic

Since v1.7 update, global functions in <algorithm> and <iterator> have been much more generic.

Until the v1.6, global functions in the <algorithm> and <iterator> modules had forced that parameters of output-iterators and general-iterators to extend an abstract class [base.Iterator], which occurs critical dependency. It was possible to utilizing built-in iterators, however, user-made customer iterators were not.

Since v1.7 update, all iterator parameters of global functions in the <algorithm> and <iterator> modules, they require objects to extend not a class, but an interface. From now on, you can utilize your own-made iterators.

namespace std
    export function copy<T,
        InputIterator extends Readonly<IForwardIterator<T, InputIterator>>,
        OutputIterator extends Writeonly<IForwardIterator<T, OutputIterator>>>
            first: InputIterator, last: InputIterator, 
            output: OutputIterator
        ): OutputIterator;

Much strong typed Base Containers & Iterators

This is a background story which is not important for users. This content is only for developers or participants of the TSTL project.

Until v1.6, abstract classes for containers and iterators were not enough strong within framework of type restriction and compilation. For example, abstract classes base.Container and base.Iterator, they've dependency relationships between themselves on their abstract methods. However, derived classes may override the abstract methods with derived types. Parameter and returned types are changed when overriding; it's danger, not safe for development.

Older Version

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