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This bot is no longer active. I don't have the time, nor was I using it enough to justify continued maintenance.
- Polls.
- Internet commands like Google search, Dictionary, Weather, Thesaurus and more.
- Cats.
- Trivia.
- Server greeting in a #welcome channel.
- Open Source!
- &def - Define a word.
- &thes - Find synonyms of a word.
- &quiz - Get a trivia question. More coming soon!
- &clear - Bulk delete messages if you are admin.
- &poll - Present a poll.
- &cmd - Gives some bot commands.
- &search - Search the web for something.
- &help - Verbose bot commands.
- &xbox - Search for an Xbox gamertag.
- &dog - Shows a picture of a dog.
- &cat - Shows a picture of a cat.