LuaProxy for cocos2d-x, include CocosBuilder support for lua, and other cocos2d-extension support for lua, and easy to use function.
##Change Log#
2013-4-8 Add scroll bar support for LuaTableView. Temporary remove support for CCEditBox.
2013-3-28 Fix for support cocos2d-x 2.1.1.
2013-3-22 Bug fix: LuaTableView is "null" userdata in lua. Add LuaCallFuncInterval for call lua function every frame in duration seconds.
2013-3-19 Change main include file name to luaopen_LuaProxy.h - All function useful for lua will be add, not only CC_Extension.
##Step 1 Add LuaProxy files to your project#
Create a Lua based cocos2d-x project, or open your project that added Lua support.
In Visual Studio, open Project Property, in C/C++ - Additional Include Directories, add LuaProxy source code directory, and add all source files.
In Xcode, add all source files.
You may safety remove ui/UIEventDispatcher.cpp(and .h), it's just design for win32.
##Step 2 Add C++ Code# Open CCAppDelegate.cpp, add include like this:
#include "tolua/luaopen_LuaProxy.h"
Move to the line that got CCLuaEngine, add this:
Now you can do those things in lua, but we must create a CCBProxy at first, I wrote this in lua:
local proxy = CCBProxy:create()
-- !!
-- If you want to handle CCControlButton, you must add this line.
-- And kept variable "proxy" to global.
-- While the button won't be use, just like scene poped, you'd batter release the proxy.
-- proxy:retain()
##About CCBI#
###Load ccbi made by CocosBuilder# Maybe you have a ccbi file named "ui-start.ccbi", root node typed with "CCLayer", place it in "Resources/ccb", call this in lua:
local n = proxy:readCCBFromFile("ccb/ui-start.ccbi") -- Got a CCNode
local l = tolua.cast(n, "CCLayer") -- Cast the node into CCLayer
Now you can add the "l" into any scene.
###Referrence any node in ccbi# We'd loaded a ccbi as layer, but you want access a CCLabelTTF, marked "owner" and named "label" in CocosBuilder, and a CCControlButton named "button". Just do this:
local lbl = tolua.cast(proxy:getNode"label", "CCLabelTTF")
lbl:setString("some string")
local btn = proxy:getNodeWithType("button", "CCControlButton")
When CCBProxy read ccbi, it has saved all member variable into a CCDictionary.
So if you'd loaded other ccbi and any variable defined same name, the old one will be lost in the CCDictionary.
###Proxy CCControlButton event with any function# There are two way to do the thing.
-- Handle single button event, you must kept the proxy (retain it, release after the button never use.)
proxy:handleButtonEvent(btn, function(s, e) print(s, e) end, 0) -- 0 means UpInside
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