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Reusable Bootstrap Button Group Component using Angular

This is a reusable button group component based on Bootstrap's button group. You can use it in your Angular 6+ apps. It uses Bootstrap css classes so make sure you have referenced Bootstrap CSS file.


Install button-group via:

npm install --save @sandeshwar/button-group


Once installed you need to import it in your module:

import { ButtonGroupModule } from '@sandeshwar/button-group';

  imports: [ButtonGroupModule, ...],
export class MyModule {

Here's a sample component

import { Button } from '@sandeshwar/button-group';

export class MyComponent implements OnInit {
  buttons: Button[];
  selectedButton = '';
  // if true, buttons will be stacked vertically
  vertical = false;
  // if true, button group will take up the entire width of it's parent element
  // works only in Bootstrap 3
  justified = false;

  // size of the button (sm, md, lg)
  // default is md
  size = 'sm';
  // disables all the buttons
  disabled = false;

  ngOnInit() {
    // Create as many buttons as you need
    this.buttons = [
      { label: 'Save', value: 'save' },
      { label: 'New', value: 'new' },
      { label: 'Delete', value: 'delete' }

    // You can subscribe to value changes using ViewChild
      buttonValue => console.log(buttonValue)

  // You can also listen to changes using Output binding in template
  change(e) {

Include the following in your template

<nbbg-button-group [buttons]="buttons" [vertical]="vertical" [justified]="justified" [size]="size" 
                   [disabled]="disabled" [(ngModel)]="selectedButton"

{{ selectedButton }}

More details

vertical, justified, size and disabled are optional properties.

Please import FormsModule if you haven't already as it is required for the ngModel property