prerequisite: 1. Create a key pair and add it to nodejs terraform Variable. 2. Create S3 bucket to store terraform State and Packer build image Id. Also add Bucket name in jenkins Jobs configuration below.
Job 1. Create a jenkins job with git webhook to trigger for Ec2 Packer image creation which will we used in second JOB to create Nodejs web application.
1. GitHub Project:
project url:
2. Source Code Management
select git.
repository URL:
(note:credential not required as this is public repo)
3. Build Triggers.
select "GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling"
(Note: Make sure you have installed "github integration plugin" in jenkins server)
4. Build
select: Execute Shell
Add below lines.
cd aws_pipeline/nodejs
ARTIFACT_WEB=`/usr/local/bin/packer build -machine-readable webec2.json | awk -F, '$0 ~/artifact,0,id/ {print $6}'`
AMI_ID_WEB=`echo $ARTIFACT_WEB | cut -d ':' -f2`
echo 'variable "WEB_INSTANCE_AMI" { default = "'${AMI_ID_WEB}'" }' >
/usr/local/bin/aws s3 cp s3://{{Bucket_name}}/
Job 2. Create a second jenkins job which will be triggered automatically after above job is success.
1. GitHub Project:
project url:
2. Source Code Management
select git.
repository URL:
(note:credential not required as this is public repo)
3. Build Triggers.
select "Build after other projects are built"
Projects to watch: "Add above Job Name"
4. Build
select: Execute Shell
Add below lines.
set +x
cd aws_pipeline/nodejs
/usr/local/bin/aws s3 cp s3://{{Bucket_name}}/
/usr/local/bin/terraform init
/usr/local/bin/terraform apply -auto-approve
test commit 4