This is a repository by Omar Santos that includes Cisco security vulnerabilities in CVRF format. The CVRF files in this repository were obtained automatically by custom scripts created by Omar using the Cisco PSIRT openVuln API.
The Cisco Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) is responsible for responding to Cisco product security incidents. The Cisco PSIRT is a dedicated, global team that manages the receipt, investigation, and public reporting of information about security vulnerabilities and issues related to Cisco products and networks. Cisco defines a security vulnerability as an unintended weakness in a product that could allow an attacker to compromise the integrity, availability, or confidentiality of the product. The Cisco PSIRT adheres to ISO/IEC 29147:2014
The on-call Cisco PSIRT works 24 hours a day with Cisco customers, independent security researchers, consultants, industry organizations, and other vendors to identify possible security vulnerabilities and issues with Cisco products and networks.
Individuals or organizations that are experiencing a product security issue are strongly encouraged to contact the Cisco PSIRT. Cisco welcomes reports from independent researchers, industry organizations, vendors, customers, and other sources concerned with product or network security. The minimal data needed for reporting a security issue is a description of the potential vulnerability.
Additional information about the Cisco disclosure process can be found at Cisco's Security Vulnerability Policy.